time and the ocean

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Have you ever seen the ocean? The waves? The way they move, so tranquil. You could never know how fast or far the wave in front of you has traveled.

Have you ever seen an object in the water? A piece of paper? A bottle? That's how I feel, like that inanimate bottle.Moving along with the waves of time, when I'm not. I'm not moving, the bottle isn't moving, the waves are; time is. The currents of time are flowing fast yet serenely around me. And I'm still; my mind is till whilst my body is pushed forward without consent. I'm reluctant but 'me' is like the stale water trapped in the bottle, I have no power over its stationary state.

I think it's going to be the same until the cap opens or the bottle goes underwater, which I think doesn't seem plausible; I can't stop time.

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