Chapter 11

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"Brooke, Brooke wake up." I hear Zac calling me as I start to wake up, and when I open up my eyes I see Zac standing in front.
" what time is it?"
" it's late, shh... we're about to have a meeting downstairs... cmon" he says and walks out but before he does I stop him
" wait, what about Dave?" I look at Dave who is asleep on the floor
" no" he says and I follow him downstairs
I wonder why he did not want Dave to come to the meeting. Did Dave do something wrong or something? I ask myself
Well I am about to find out. We reach the bottom of the stairs and all the boys are in the living room with there swim shorts still on.
Zac walks into the middle of the living room.
" okay everyone I called this meeting so that we can talk about something very imortant. Whatever is about to spoken of will stay between Dave's birthday is next week, and we need to figure out what we can do for him. I was thinking about throwing a surprise pool party?"
Now I know why he didn't want Dave to come to the meeting.
" yeah, but what are we going to give him as a gift?" One of the guys asked
" any suggestions?" Zac said
" clothes? Shoes? Cooking supplies? Money? Food?" Everyone started to say their suggestions out loud and while they were I have the perfect thing.
" I know"
Everyone got quiet and looked at me waiting.
" A motorcycle...he did say that he's always wanted one."
" that's actually a great idea, Brooke" Zac says and smiles at me
" thanks" I smile back
" how are we gonna raise that much money?" Someone asked
" Were throwing a party, right? $20 bucks for each person to get in, except us but we all have to help set up for the party, and remember it is a surprise party so don't say anything to Dave about it. I think we should have the party this Saturday, and it's only Tuesday so we have time to get things together. We can buy the bike this Sunday and give it to him, Sunday night. Any questions about the plan?" Zac asked and everyone was silent
" okay the meeting is over, goodnight everyone."
As he says that I go back upstairs and I lay down and I go back to sleep.

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