Chapter 6:Good news

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     "Th-Three days? W-why so long?" I asked, feeling a bit restless. I didn't want to stay there anymore, I just wanted to leave. I didn't know what I was going to do once I was out of there, but I knew I didn't want to spend so much time in a hospital.

     "I'm not sure. I don't really know Jule personally, so I can't say what he might be up to," Dr.Park answered, and I mentally face-palmed. Of course he wouldn't know--Why would he know my best friend, anyway? He obviously met him once, but that didn't mean that he had a full-on conversation with him. There wasn't much reason to.

    "O-okay," I mumbled, assuming he was going to leave. What more could he want from me anyway?

    "E-Lucas, they'll bring your dinner up soon, alright?" Dr.Park told me, stumbling over my name. Whose name was he about to call me?

    I nodded, not wanting to talk.  Why should I anyways? I'd take a lot longer to say Yes than to nod my head. I also don't know why I felt the need to justify it. I could nod my head without explaining myself, but I'm not that smart. Especially when I've just been in a car crash and lost all of my memories.

     "Alright, well I'll be off. I expect that Jule might speak to you soon. Your phone is on the side table," He told me, motioning towards the table that was beside my bed, then leaving the room once he'd finished speaking.

   I frowned, not really knowing what to do until my food came. I didn't like hospital food--somehow I had remembered that--so I assumed I wouldn't want to eat it anyways. Suddenly, I heard my phone ding. Would I be able to remember anything from my phone? Maybe I could talk to someone to try and remember things, I thought, suddenly feeling a lot more enthusiastic. I might actually be able to regain some of my memories. 

     My phone dinged again, and I eagerly reached over to check it. Dr.Park had told me that Jule would speak to me, so it was probably him.

    Jule: Hello! Are you feeling okay now? I wanted to talk to you

        I read his message quietly, feeling a bit bad once again. He was being so nice to me even though I had no clue who he was...

     I'm okay, I sent, hoping he would go on without encouragement from me. I couldn't bring myself to strike up a conversation with him when I felt so bad.

         Jule: I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming to pick you up tomorrow. We can talk more once you get home safe, okay?

              I smiled, happy that he'd be here a lot sooner than I'd thought. I didn't think I could stay stuck in this place for 3 whole days....There wasn't even anything to do. Yeah, I didn't feel so good, but Dr.Park said I'm aloud to leave when he comes to get me so I must be okay, right?

      Okay, I replied, then we said our goodbyes for the night. He didn't seem to want to talk until we spoke in person. I didn't mind, because I felt that I might remember something once I saw his face. Maybe I'd remember him if I saw him in person...It could trigger some sort of memory, right?

      I sighed, deciding to look through my phone a bit more and see if there was anything in it that could remind me who I was--Or, who I am now. When I clicked on the photos app, I realized something that seemed really off. I had no pictures. Why wouldn't I have any pictures in my phone? I also only had the default apps on my phone, and Jule was my only contact, other than Candie. Who's Candie anyways?

     I opened the messaging app, deciding I'd send Candie a text and see if he would respond. If Jule didn't want to talk, I at least hoped that he would. I decided a simple hello would suffice. Once I was done, I didn't really know what to do. Hospital rooms were way too boring, and my head hurt. Maybe I should just sleep, I thought, closing my eyes. The Nurse brought my food a bit later, and I ate it to make sure that they didn't think I was refusing. I didn't want to stay any longer than I had to--especially not just because I hate hospital food.

     Finally, after about twenty more minutes of looking through random news stories on my phone, I decided I should try to sleep. I had probably slept for quite a while before i woke up there, so I was pretty much used to my surroundings, even if I didn't know much about where I was. I'd have to ask Jule about my past later, and hopefully be able to talk to my parents. They'd want to talk to me after all this, right? I didn't really remember them, but I was okay with talking to complete strangers as long as I knew they wouldn't hurt me, and I trusted my parents...But I didn't know them. Not that it mattered. Why did my best friend show up to bring me home, but I don't even have my parent's numbers?

                          I sighed, deciding not to question it. I didn't really care enough to. They probably just didn't have phones or something. Old people don't usually understand electronics anyways. Maybe I have another way of contacting my family? I decided to talk to Jule about it. He was my best friend, so he would know, right? I frowned, trying to ignore my thoughts so that I could sleep. I drifted off to sleep, pushing all of my thoughts out of my mind.


I'm SOOO sorry this chapter was late! I didn't have it finished until just now, but I posted it as soon as I could. Thank you for being understanding! Goodbye for now~ Kai


Sworn to the truthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora