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"My real name is-" Smokey interrupted them "I left my jacket here." Red nodded. Smokey grabbed his jacket then left. Red turned to them "You know what? I'm not telling you my real name, it's none of your business. To you, I'll always be Raymond "Red" Reddington. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other business to attend to."

Liz huffed and turned to Jennifer and Ressler "Well that sucked." Ressler nodded "Big time." 

Red pulled out a picture from his pocket, it was of a young girl with brownish blonde hair and his same eye color. Dembe glanced at it "You have a third daughter, Raymond?" he nodded "She's my youngest. But I don't know where she is. I want to find her." 

"Smokey needs to find her. You need to rest, and take your antibiotics." Red smirked "I'm sure Smokey will find out where she is, who she's going by now, by the time he's done fixing his  collar." 

Smokey finished fixing his shirt collar "No, Smokey, won't. Because Smokey's a genius who has already found out where she is." This got Red's attention "So where is she?"

"Phili. What name she goes by now, that I haven't found out." Red nodded "Time to pay Glen a visit."


Red and Smokey waited in the DMV. A girl came up to Red "I know you! You're from my spinster class! Hot stuff, right?" Red shakes his head "I'm afraid you're mistaken." Smokey smirks. The girl laughs "You are one funny little man! Come on, Hot stuff!" She snaps her fingers "Let me get some Hot stuff, baby this evening." Red bit his lip, feeling very uncomfortable.

Smokey chuckles, then a girl approaches him "You're hot." Smokey backs away "Not interested, chica." The girl wraps her arms around him "Yes you are, mon cherie." Smokey looks at her "What are you saying? Does anyone speak French?" Finally, they were allowed to see Glen. 

"I told you these things take time!!" Red huffed "At least this time I have a city for you, she's in Philadelphia."

"Give me at least a week, Hot stuff!" Smokey shook his head "Don't have a week, man. You have maybe two, three hours." Glen rolled his eyes "I'm not talking to you, mon cherie." 

Smokey huffed "You set us up with that situation there, didn't ya?" Red looked at him, like he was saying 'You already know the answer to that.' 

Red huffed "I don't have time for this." he and Smokey left. Smokey muttered "That chick did know I'm not French, right?"


Later, while Red and Smokey and Dembe were at Port Au Prince, Red's phone rang. He held it to his ear "Yeah?" 

"You need to come in. I found your girl." he nodded. Smokey sighed "Don't tell me, change of plans." Red nodded "Glen's found her."

They arrived back at the DMV, much to their relief the two girls that bothered them earlier weren't there. "Thank goodness." Smokey muttered "I'll be honest amigo, I wasn't at all comfortable with them here." 

Glen showed Smokey and Red a blue folder "I told you, these things take time." Red looked at the girl's photograph "Allison Shore. It really is her." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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