Hello and Welcome

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Hello, everyone! And welcome to the Tainted Love one shots!

If you want to remain spoiler free for all Tainted Love stories, then I would suggest making sure you have read all published chapters of the Tainted Love series.

So far that includes:

Baby Doll

Sugar Daddy

Sweet Kitten

Pretty Boy

Boy Toy


*Seventh story is planned but I won't tell you about that just yet*

My mind hates me and comes up with way too many story ideas so there will probably be many more.

As the series grows, I'm assuming that a few people might ask me how they should consume the Tainted Love series so I'm leaving a little...suggestion...here.

Since Baby Doll and Sugar Daddy are so tied together, this might be a little confusing but hopefully it will make sense.

Suggestions on how to read the Tainted Love series:

—Read chapters 1-13 of BD (Baby Doll)

—Read chapter 1 of SD (Sugar Daddy)

—Read chapter 14 of BD

—Read chapter 2 of SD

—Read chapter 15 of BD

—Read chapters 3-4 of SD

—Read chapters 16-18 of BD

—Read chapter 5 of SD

—Read chapter 19 of BD

—Read chapter 6 of SD

—Read chapter 20 of BD

—Read chapters 7-9 of SD

—Read chapters 21-24 of BD

—Read chapter 10 of SD

—Read chapters 25-26 of BD

—Read chapter 11 of SD

—Read chapter 27 of BD

—Read chapter 12 of SD

—Read chapter 28 of BD

—Read chapter 13 of SD

—Read chapter 29 of BD

—Read chapter 14 of SD

—Read chapters 30-31 of BD

—Read chapter 15 of SD

—Read chapters 32-33 of BD

—Read chapter 16 of SD

—Read chapter 34 of BD

—Read chapter 17 of SD

—Read chapter 35 of BD and 18 of SD however you wish, these are the finales ❤️

I am completely aware that this is very confusing and was really only beneficial to people that read my updates right when they came out. If you are reading this when the stories are completely finished, you're kind of screwed. I'm sorry. BUT this way of reading is only important if you want to remain completely spoiler free for BD and SD. You can totally read all of BD before reading SD or visa versa, but just know that there will be spoilers for each story throughout the other one.

Now, once you've read Baby Doll and Sugar Daddy, you can really pick whatever you want to read!

Sweet Kitten takes place a few years before the events of Baby Doll and Sugar Daddy. (It is possible to read SK before BD or SD but there will be a major spoiler for Elijah's past in SK.)

Pretty Boy takes place immediately after Baby Doll and Sugar Daddy.

Boy Toy takes place a couple years after Baby Doll and Sugar Daddy.

There will be spoilers for BD and SD in both Pretty Boy and Boy Toy!

Elijah takes place 21 years before the start of Baby Doll and will obviously deal with Elijah's past. I would really recommend reading it after you've read Baby Doll because I'm not sure you can get as much enjoyment out of it unless you've read BD.

BUUUTTTTT...all Tainted Love stories are standalones—meaning you can read whatever the hell you want to read! Everything will make complete sense without reading the other stories!

If you think Elijah and Aleksander are assholes and want more of teddybear-like Dom, then go for Tom in Sugar Daddy. Or more neutral Doms like Erik in Boy Toy or Gabe in Pretty Boy. I mean is neutral a good word? Probably not. But they're not assholes like Elijah and Aleksander.

If you think Danny is too submissive then skip over Baby Doll and read any of the other stories! The other subs have more spunk! (Except upcoming seventh story.)

I try to make my stories different enough that they don't feel like the same story, but similar enough that you know it's still part of the series! I also hope that there's a little something for everyone!

Level of BDSM in each book on a scale of 1-5 (someone kind of did this in a comment and I thought it was really funny!)

Baby Doll—4

Sugar Daddy—2

Sweet Kitten—5

Pretty Boy—2

Boy Toy—3


This scale is, of course, according to my level of writing BDSM. I'm sure every author would have their own scale. Like Baby Doll might be a 1 or a 2 for them, but this is just according to my own personal style of BDSM stories.

I may add onto this little guide when I write more stories in the series, but for now, please enjoy the one shots!

And these may not be like the one shots that you're all used to. They will not have smut in every single one, so just be warned.

ALSO. If there is anything you've been dying to see happen between any of the Tainted Love characters then comment or message me and I will see if I can make it happen in a one shot. I'm not going to call them requests because I will not guarantee that I will actually do all of the suggestions. This is still my series and if I don't want something to be canon then it's not going to canon, I'm sorry. Plus, a suggestion has to spark something in me. If I read one of your suggestions and just don't have inspiration to write something about that, then it's not going to happen. But I would still be interested to see what you guys fantasize about happening and I hope to make at least some of your dreams come true.

Updates will most likely always be slow since I will be more focused on my main stories, but I will try to keep you guys supplied with snap shots in the lives of Eli and Danny, and also Tom and Taylor. (And other couples later on!)

I love any and all who like the Tainted Love series and I hope you enjoy these one shots!

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