CrushingGuilt! AU

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So in this Kraken is sent out to find Joe, but Joe gets killed after he gets back. Cody immediately thinks it KrakenKid, and storms his base. They meet off face to face, where Blooper and Cannibal and Darrel try to give Kraken a hand.

Soon, Darrel, Blooper and Cannibal are protecting Cody when Blooper gets grabbed by Cody. "YOU TOOK SOMEONE FROM ME! LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE LOSING SOMEONE AS WELL?!"

And he slit Blooper's throat.

All TideChangers stand there, Sam, Selena and Pikalus staring in shock. Before anyone can stop him, Cody launches forwards and cuts Darrel down, impaling him. Cannibal is next, Cody impaling him in the head.

As Cody turns to KrakenKid, his voice cold, he speaks. "It's not nice to loose someone like that, is it? No matter how many people you lose, you won't stop though. I had hoped we could have settled this in a more civil manner... but oh well..." Tears start seeping out as he steps towards him.

"Guess you'll pay, with your life!"


Selena comes forwards, eyes full of fear. "Selena, move."

"You can't hurt him, you don't even know it was Kraken! And even if it was him it doesn't gove you the right to-"


Cody swings the spear, giving Selena a gash across her chest, Sam rushing forwards to catch her sister. Cody seems to realise the weight of the situation at this point, as his expression softens considerably. Kraken himself is kneeling by all 3 that he loved, all gone.

Darrel, a second father to him.

CannibalCrab, his best friend and general.

Blooper, his son and pride.

Cody stood, watching as Sam flared daggers into him before going to make sure Selena would live, Pikalus wasn't happy either, going over to Sam's side.

As soon as they got back to Atlantis, Rasmus came out and as soon as he was told, he realised what Cody had done.

"He's becoming a monster... like his father..."

Cody himself didn't know what to say, he just stood there, the guilt eating him alive. Selena was patched up, although neither sister trusted Cody now. Pikalus was unsure wether to be angry or not, but Rasmus refused to make eye contact.

KrakenKid left Atlantis, scared of Cody and what else might happen and goes to start a new life as Cody learns to cope with what happened and the guilt.

It's just the start of something worse...


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