"this bitch empty- YEET"

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after the iconic vine went viral, people yote things all across the nation of america

cups were yeeted, desks and chairs in classrooms were yoted, 

the most devestating of all, people were being thrown across schoolyards and cafeterias, while teachers screamed in horror and a chorus of "this bitch empty- YEET" echoed through areas filled with adolescents 

parents lived in fear of being yoted by their children, even their small toddlers 

politicians called it "the war on yeeting," 

middle aged people going through all sorts of crisis, began to demand change, soon the us congress had come up with a new amendment: A Yeetless law

still the yeeters persued, led by the one who started it all, the first yeeter, Terri.

valiantly the yeeters fought, pushing for legalized yoting, claiming the amendment a violation of their free speech, in the end, they succeeded, yeeting the amendment right out of the law.

in celebration of their well earned victory, the yeeters of America yeeted right out of school and work and college and took summers off to party. Then, came about creation the very first Yeet-lympics, all fifty states participated, sending their best yeeters to compete. The very first winner of this grand competition was none other than the state of north dakota 

thanks to the first yeeters and Terri, everyone is free to yeet whatever they please whenever they please 

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