Day 6

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Day 6

Question ---> Who is The Most Annoying Character?

Answer ----> Theres a lot cause at one point every anime has an annoying character,well from what I classify as annoying,I honestly dont like Mary-Sues or whatever the male type of Mary-Sures are called,when I myself make a Mary-Sue,it gets me annoyed since I dont like Mary Sues.The same with characters the complain and whine a lot.But here we go

1. Misa from Death Note

She is soo annoying,and just blahh,no offense to those of you that are Misa Fans,I honestly just dont like her.She seriously needs to get over the fact that Light dont like her,like seriously -.-

2. Karin from Naruto

She just irritates me,she reminds me of Sakura sometimes,though Sakura is way more useful 

3. Nina from Save Me Lolipop

Like I stated above,I dont like characters that whine or complain a lot and Nina happens to be one of these type of characters,like chill,I get that your confused,and that you have that orb thing stuck down your throat but really? Your luck Ichii(?) is so understanding,n I get where Zero comes from when he gets annoyed with her.Though later on,She was an ok charcter to me.

4.Sakura and Ino from Naruto/Shippuden

They irritate me,thats all I'm saying for the both of them

I guess thats all,there are a couple others but,I'm not going to list them all so yeah

Who do you think is the most annoying character?

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