Chapter Four

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A/N: I don't often write an author's note, but I would like to thank everyone for sticking with me and my horrible upload schedule. I've had a rough past couple of weeks, I lost a good friend and another just left for boot camp so I apologize for not uploading like I should. I'm hoping to upload another chapter sometime in the next few days just to make up for my lack of uploads. So thank you and here is chapter four.

An annoying ringing pulled me from my sleep. My phone was vibrating and lighting up the small bunk. Grumbling, I rolled over to answer it.

"Hello?" My groggy voice called out.

"Snow! Oh my gosh honey! Are you okay?! Jin called me and told me that Ricky is there!" My mom desperately rambled.

I groaned. "Mom can't this wait. It's only 5 am. I don't have to be awake until noon."

"Now Snow Ray Garret, I brought you into this world, I can call you when ever I feel like it and you better answer or I will drive to what ever god forsaken state you are in and pester you face to face."

My face paled and I sat up suddenly awake. "No, no, who needs sleep? I'm fine."

I could hear the smile in her voice. "Good, now spill."

"One second mom." My fingers pushed back the curtain and I threw my legs over the side of the bed. I have to get off the bus before I wake someone up. I slipped my feet into a random pair of shoes and padded out into the living space.

Suddenly my foot got stuck in something and I went toppling to the floor landing right ontop of a sleeping figure.

"What the fuck?" A sleepy voice whimpered out.

Shit, shit, shit, it was Ricky. I had just fallen on top of the worst possible person.

His head moved up and he looked at me. "Snow? What the hell are you doing?"

I smiled sheepishly and pointed to the phone in my hand. "Sorry, trying to get outside before I woke anyone up."

He rolled his eyes. "That worked well."

"Snow? Snow? Who on earth is cursing their head off over there. That better not be Jin. He and I had a long conversation about that and he agreed to..." Mom started.

"Chill mom. I accidently tripped and woke up one of the guys. Give me five minutes and I'll call you back." I hung up before she could protest.

Ricky was still staring at me. "Who the hell would call you so early?"

"My mom." I said feeling some what embarrassed.

He laughed. "Go figure. Do you need some help getting up?"

I shook my head and pushed myself up off him. "I'm really sorry about waking you up."

He shrugged. "No big deal. I was thinking it was Chris or something."

I nodded and things turned silent for a few moments. "So um. Do you want to grab food or something? I mean the rest of the guys won't be awake for a few hours."

He smiled. "Yeah, sounds good."

I gulped. "Okay, meet you outside in twenty?"

He nodded and I began back towards my bunk to grab a change of clothes and call back my mother.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, threw my hair into a pony tail and wrapped a bandana around my head.

My phone started ringing again, cursing I picked it up. "Hi mom."

"What happen to calling in five minutes?"

I sighed. "I got preoccupied. But can we make this quick I need to go soon."

Motionless. A Ricky 'Horror' Olsen Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now