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The kingdom of Lorule wasn't always bleak and desolate, even though its residents believe otherwise.

The kingdom used to be a paradise, overflowing with life, with cheerful, sunny days and calm, clear nights, and it was known as the grandest kingdom in the world.

Its people were always happy and calm, with their sun-kissed faces and beautiful smiles. They always went to bed with their stomachs full, and never had to worry about a thing, because of the Triforce that protected the land.

The Triforce was a secret that the Royal Family kept with their lives, and none of the common folk had ever known it existed, until one night, a thief broke into the castle.

The thief wasn't there to steal any of the riches the Royal Family had procured, but rather for information, and he found what he sought.

He began to spread the legend about the Triforce to anyone who was willing to hear it, and many of the kingdom's people always wanted to hear the tale about the gift from the gods that could grant any wish.

The peace of the kingdom was disrupted as more of the greedy people of the kingdom fought over who would gain the Triforce and its power.

Soon, two nobles of the Royal Family's court were the two that managed to gain the most supporters. One of the noblemen desired to become more powerful, so as to conquer Lorule for himself and becomes its new ruler.

The other nobleman wanted to destroy Lorule, and any of its allies, as revenge for being wronged by the Royal Family.

The small fights all over the kingdom soon escalated into a full-on war, and only after two years, the once peaceful kingdom of Lorule was in shambles, close to crumbling completely into the void.

The Royal Family made a choice, the hardest sacrifice to ever befall them. They gathered up the Seven Sages of legend, and destroyed the Triforce beyond repair, in a desperate attempt to stop the war, but something unforeseen occurred.

As soon as the Triforce was destroyed, the kingdom began to crumble, and large pieces of land fell away into the void.

Monsters that had been long dead were rising from the newly formed chasms, and began chasing and feeding on the poor soldiers and civilians who couldn't get away in time.

The Royal Family stared in horror at what they had done, and immediately closed the gates, before the first of the monsters crashed into it.

The Seven Sages could sense that their magic was draining quickly, so they placed the last of their magic and life force into fortifying the castle, and all of them simultaneously died, the last of their magic drained from their very beings.

The castle, now protected by the last bits of magic, meant that it was the only place where monsters couldn't rampage freely.

The King knew that his people were in danger, but could only sit and listen to the monsters clawing at the doors, and the screams of his people, as his wife and daughter cowered close to him, their once prosperous kingdom in ruins.

Hilda awoke to another thunderstorm shaking the crumbling stone walls of the castle.

Lightning flashed white on the walls, illuminating the dead trees in the courtyard of the castle, and thunder banged loudly, ratting the glass in the windows. In the distance she could hear monsters howling.

Hilda sighed. The storms seemed to get worse with every passing year, and tonight it was especially ferocious. She wouldn't be surprised if that was the day the castle finally crumbled. After all, the only thing keeping it together was magic.

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