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"That wraps up today's lessons, Your Highness. Do you have any questions about the material that we have just went over today?"

Hilda was sitting in a small room with her tutor, Ramira, who was teaching her about the proper way of diplomacy with another kingdom. The King had insisted on it, even though it was pointless due to Lorule being isolated from the rest of the multiverse.

"No, I understood everything perfectly, Ramira. Thank you for tutoring me today." She said, and Ramira smiled, and nodded.

"It was my honor, Your Highness, now run along now. I have other work I must be getting to in the castle."

Hilda stood up from the desk she was sitting at, and ran out the door of the room. It was almost noon, and she still had to change her clothing.

As she ran, she could feel the magic between her and the castle trying to reach out and connect with one another, but ended up only being able to spark instead, and Hilda could sense that the castle was crying out to her.

She soon made it back to her quarters, and she immediately threw off the dress, and put on her adventuring outfit, and placed her dagger on the belt at her hip, and she tied her hair up into a braided bun.

She grabbed a small bag, and filled it with provisions and medical supplies, before also attaching it to her belt. She laced up her boots, and then ran out the door, running past a confused Celestia.

Hilda dashed throughout the hallways, away from the brightly lit residential part of the castle, and down towards the uninhabited, monster-infested areas of the castle.

Hilda used to venture down into this area of the castle since she was younger, and that was where she learned to fight with her magic, or with just a sword or dagger. Most sections of the castle were forbidden, especially to the future monarch of Lorule. However, Hilda disregarded the rules, and went to train as much as she could. Her father had eventually caught on to her little act of rebellion, and had given her tutors enough work for her to keep her occupied enough to stay out of the forbidden areas.

However, now Hilda had someone else to go down with her to the forbidden part of the castle, and she only wished that Ravio could fight well enough to survive.

Soon, she arrived in the foyer of the castle, which was dilapidated and dusty, with all the carpeting and tapestries torn apart from the monsters that ran rampant.

Celestia had told Hilda that the foyer had only fallen to the monsters a few months after Hilda was born . There had been a large thunderstorm that had destroyed the entire bottom part of the castle, causing some of it to nearly fall in the chasms.

No one knew what lay at the bottom of the chasms, but everyone knew that the height was high enough that a fall into them would be fatal, but this didn't bother Hilda, as she could easily cushion herself with her magic, and had even prepared for such an event.

Hilda looked around the foyer, and then she heard running, and saw Ravio barreling away from what seemed to be...a monster.

Hilda immediately pulled out her dagger, and ran around Ravio and stabbed and sliced and hacked at the monster, until it exploded with a loud pop, with a pool of blood in its place.

She turned around with her bloodied dagger to see a scared Ravio, who was wearing his normal tunic and hat, and she smiled at him, and wiped off the blood with a piece of cloth from the ground, and she turned to face Ravio.

"Hello, Ravio. I assume you didn't bring any weapons, right?" She asked, and he just shook his head.

Hilda then held out the dagger in her hand to him, and he hesitantly took it by the handle, and examined it carefully.

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