Chapter 5

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We arrive in Dallas around 5 it should be getting dark soon so we got the vamps in their coffins once again and we load them up in a limo that Eric had ready.

The ride only lasted about 10 minutes before we arrived to the human/vampire hotel. When we went into the hotel it was covered in black and red. The hotel was like Fangtasia, where humans and vampires can coexist. All windows were so thick that the sun could not get through them so the vampires can be awake during the day when we come inside Eric goes to the front desk and gets us out keys. I would be in a room with Jessica, Bill and Sookie would be in a room together and Erick would have a room to himself. Or so I thought. "Sookie and Bill here's your key, Jessica Here's yours and I have mine." I look at him confused.

"What about my key? I'm staying with Jessica." I say to him.

"Oh sorry I thought you were getting your own hotel room so I only got rooms with one bed." he says to me with that stupid look on his face.

"How could I get my own room? Im broke remember?" I say to him.

"Well I guess you will have to sleep on her floor or in a bed with me." he says letting me make the choice.

"I would rather die than sleep in a bed with you." I whisper while walking past him. I go and grab my bags and start walking to the room with Jessica. when we get into the room it is so amazing. there was two beds. of course Eric would lie. They had a red comforter with black lace over it. I flop down face first onto the bed. It felt so good to be on an actual mattress not the old piece if shit that Bill has on my bed. I just want to lay on it all day but I promised I would go to a party at some dude that Eric knows's house. Jessica didn't want to go alone so she invited me to come. I touch on my make and put on a new outfit. before we leave. It was a black dress with pink chevron print and I also put on black high heels to top off the outfit.

When we get to the party It is filled with vampires. They were all looking at me with hinge in their eyes and I know why. my blood is different from humans I smell good and I taste good. My blood is like heroin for vampires once they got a taste they were hooked unless they had amazingly good control over themselves. Sookie and I were the only humans at the party. I felt really out of place everyone was in casual clothes but I was still in my black dress. I guess I didn't get the dress code.

"Are you enjoying the party?" says a familiar voice. I turn around and see Jason.

"Oh my god Jason what are you doing here?" I ask him. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"I just didn't want to miss out on all the fun." he says with a smile. I hug him and then we walk around together. I felt like I could be myself around him and not have to pretend that I was something I wasn't. I walk away from him to go and get us a drink.

"You smell good, girl" a man says to me, he is a vampire. I just ignore his comment. He grabs me by the arm when I'm trying to walk away. "Im talking to you." he sniffs my neck. I try to get away but he just tightens his grip on my arm. "Your not human,are you sweet cheeks?"

"Just let me go ok I don't want any trouble" I say trying to pry off his hand. he doesn't let go and he just tightens his grip on me. He finally decides to make a move he slams my head down on a table and goes in for a bite. I keep struggling to get away but it was just no use he was just to strong.

I soon feel him tense as someone grabs his shoulder."Let go of her, Logan" said a soft but firm voice. I feel his grip lightened, then it was gone. I get up from the table and look at Logan and the stranger.

"But she smells so good I just wanted a taste" he says trying justifying his actions. but the stranger just puts a hand up to make him shut it. He had short blond hair and a grey v-neck shirt that showed off a neck tattoo. he looked very domestic compared to the other vampires. I wonder who he was? Logan walks away after the stranger had a talk about how he was in charge and was not going to be disrespected In his own house. I herd him say that he was a sherif, that's what Eric is wonder if thy know each other. He turns around to me and puts out his hand.

"Hello I'm Godric."

Hey it's Chloe hope you like this chapter sorry it took so long to update I will not take as long this time. XD don't forget to comment vote and share. Decticated to jade3c

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