Chapter Two

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The men exchanged near-giddy looks, hoofing it up the steps after them. Crys glanced at Owen, who nodded approvingly, brows high on his forehead, "Not bad; Claire fires you, I'll hire you. You can be our ringleader. We'll put on shows, dress the girls up in tutus."

"Har-har," the Brit rolled her eyes, elbowing him hard in the gut; a satisfied grin crossed her face as he grimaced and clutched at his stomach, "been tryin' not to think about that, Grady. Thanks a lot."

"I was kidding," he huffed, massaging his middle and narrowing one eye down at her, pouting, "didn't have to get all physical. It wasn't even the fun kind of physical!"

"Was for me," she chirped with a wink, looping her arm through his as the men bypassed them, leaning over the railings like excited children at the zoo, searching wildly for the still-caged raptors, "sorry, Owen; as much as my da' would like it, I don't want to lose this job."

"You won't," he replied, giving his arm a tug and pulling her closer, withdrawing his arm from hers and slipping it around her waist, giving her a light squeeze, "you'll be fine. Claire's all talk; you know she can't do shit. You're the most qualified person on this damn island to deal with these animals... she'd be an idiot to lose you..."

She was about to thank him, touched, when he added with a tip of his head, "-and not be able to get your dad as a replacement."

She shot him a threatening glare and he released her, hands raised defensively even as a wicked smirk tugged at his mouth, "I'm kidding, Crys! Kidding! Don't hurt me- Barry! Grab her!"

A startled gasp escaped her as she was lifted easily from behind, two dark arms wrapped around her stomach and a deeply accented voice in her ear, "Bonjour, ma cherie."

Though some people would scold them all for their lack of professionalism, Crys couldn't bring herself to care. Her idea of a perfect work environment was one where she could be outside, work with animals, and get along thick as thieves with her coworkers. Still, being hoisted easily into the air when you were supposed to be one step ahead of any and all attacks was a bit humiliating.

With a good-natured huff, she patted Barry's arm and said, "Mornin', sir. Mind puttin' me down?"

Owen brushed by them, leaning close and muttering quietly, "Yeah, we got a bunch of asshats to impress, right, Crys?"

"Right," she nodded, glancing over her shoulder and sparing Barry a bright grin, peering past him and eyeing said asshats contemplatively, "ya know, you could-"

"On it!"

The raptor trainer hastened to the oblivious men, tapping a thoughtful finger to his chin before choosing the smallest of the trio. Making as though he was going to grab him and shove him over the railing, he had to hurriedly run a hand though his hair and pretend that he was just retrieving the bucket of rats between Carl and James when they turned their attention to him. With a chipper, "Oh, hey, guys!" he pulled the clicker from his pocket and they were none the wiser.

He shot Crys a playful wink as Barry set her down and she shook her head, laughing. The Frenchman joined her, hands in his pockets as the pair of them approached Owen and the suited men, questioning quietly, "Do I even want to know?"

"Oh, I'm sure you do," she smirked, a deft brow lifting as her eyes trailed over Owen, who was currently barking orders to have the girls released, "but later; I'm on thin ice as it is."

"You?" Barry queried, feigning surprise, flashing a brilliant smile as she leaned against the railing beside Adam, "never."

Snorting, she turned her attention to the men, nodding toward the enclosure below them, "Alright, gents, you're in for a real treat. Owen's been trainin' these girls since birth. Most people come for the Rex, but these animals are the most impressive ones on this island."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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