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*In one of the Clubs*

-We decided to head down to Babylon it was a new club that opened and everyone was talking about it but as we got in all we could see were men almost have naked at that moment I realised where we were, we were at a gay club, I was blushing but at the same time I wanted to get out of there and that was exactly what I tried to do but surprisingly Roger stopped me and we started heading to the bar and ordered our drinks-

"What can I get you my beauties?'' the bartender asked us with a wink

"We'll have two vodka with tonic please'' Roger ordered for us

-I was shocked that Roger was so relaxed at this kind of place I mean he knew I was gay but he never wanted or even gave me a hint that he wanted to get involved in these kinds of things-

"So.....Freddie you havin' fun till now?''

-With that question I knew he was getting kind of uncomfortable-

"Roger darling we don't have to be here we can go someplace else if you want''

(Roger's Pov)

-As he asked me if I wanted to go someplace else I got a glimpse of him and I caught his eye I never noticed his dark big beautiful brown eyes they shined in the disco lights and his long dark brown hair was as beautiful as ever it moved with rhythm and fell on his shoulders gracefully it was the first time I ever thought of Freddie this way but it wasn't the first time I felt about a man like this, I have just been going through a stage where I started questioning my sexuality and that's why I didn't want to leave when I realised this was a gay club I wanted to see if the feelings are still here and apparently they are-

"Roger you okay darling? Do you want us to leave?'' Freddie caught me off

"No it's okay, I want to stay here''

"But why there isn't a single woman in this club''

"Well maybe this time I don't want a woman.....maybe I might just''

-With that Freddie's eyes widened in disbelief-

"A man.....did I hear correctly dear, or is the vodka playing tricks on me?''

"No, you heard right....I want''

"Well if it's not playing tricks on me it's sure as hell playing tricks on you darling, I mean really Roger a man? Roger Meddows Taylor the man who've been with more woman than I could count wants'  to be with a man''

"Well as you told me when you came out believe it darling'' I replied with a wink as I took a sip of my vodka

"Fine than darling, you want to be with a man? Go for it that's what I did''

"Don't worry Freddie that's what I intend to do, anyway wanna' dance?''

"I'd Love to darling''

-And with that we headed to the dance floor and we danced the night away we stayed there drinking and talking till 3 in the morning-

(Freddie's Pov)

"Darling it's 3 in the morning I think we should be getting home, unless you wanna sleep here tonight?''

"I'm fine either way mate'' Roger said with a cute laugh and a wink

-I knew he was drunk to the bone but I have to admit it he was cute that way and I could tell this was his way of flirting so I played along as I got closer to him-

"Hey, Freddie want to go back at your place?''

"Sure why not darling, Lets go''

-With that we left and went back to my apartment, as we arrived we sat down on the couch with a glass of white wine in our hands and we continued talking and drinking-

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