Eat Dessert First, Before Your Entree Kills You

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For anyone that actually decided to read this, thank you!! This was originally a joke between a friend and me, but then we thought it would be funny to post it here!! In terms of writing skills, I know it's not the best because... well, it's not supposed to be taken seriously!! So, don't hate, okay? Thanks!

Once there was a girl who was dared to live in a deserted log cabin on a mountain for a couple of days. While she was in the cabin, she heard a scary noise. Then suddenly, the lights went out and lightning strikes the cabin and the noise got louder and scarier. She heard a loud crash and turned to find the window shattered into tiny pieces of glass stained with blood. She looked at her foot and screamed "Ouchie!" when she realized a shard of glass hit her foot. Suddenly, the wind picked up and the pieces of glass rose and began to form an image. She squinted as the pieces of glass continued to assemble into the image, and finally she realized what it was. She gasped and shocked when she concluded that it was...

Bananas in pajamas!!!!!

She dropped to her knees, ignoring the sharp pain from the shards of glass as she stared at her least favorite fruit in the whole entire world.

They slowly walked towards her, chanting "I'm delicious," but all she could to was scream in horror. She rushed out of the house as fast as she could but stopped in her tracks when she saw her least favorite vegetable, carrots, dancing around a bonfire wearing mustaches. The bananas were now outside the house, hot on her trail. The carrots noticed the commotion, so they followed her too. She began running as fast as she could, screaming and waving her hands in the air like she just don't care. Then she ended up tripping and falling down the side of the mountain, taking her least favorite foods down with her.

But then, when she hit the ground with a thump, a bright light came, and before her very eyes stood a cupcake, her most favorite food in the world. The cupcake shot sprinkles at the enemy and killed every single carrot and banana. After thanking the kind cupcake, it disappeared, and she was left alone with nothing to keep her company but the remains of the bananas and carrots that were dead, or were they?

One carrot managed to survive, and just as she walked away from the other rotting food, it attacked her. She was never from again.

THE END!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading! No veggies, fruits, or people were harmed during the writing of this story! Well, I may have punched my friend a couple of times on the shoulder, but she's not bruised!!! :)

A couple things:

3. The bananas in pajamas is a reference to my fave show when i was younger

2. I love bananas, and carrots <3

3. I also love cupcakes <3

4. I don't have a problem with healthy food, I just make it sound like I do!

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