Kelly's Mistake, Chapter 1

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As I was walking down, just doing nothing, the devil you say? Oh no, I forgot my mistake! When I ran all the way to my house, my mother frowned, "why were you so late and DON'T you dare leave when I'm talking to you" my mother said, "I just needed to go get some supplies from my room?" "But you don't need any supplies when you're carrying it with you".

Dang it, she's knows

"Maybe it's for the school?" I said

My mother said, " Kelly, I know your hiding something so please, tell what happen, know that I'm always here for you" I never knew she can get this serious all the time because she would feel empty inside her, I felt horrible when she's gonna ask me this question, wait, did you hear that? The devil's voice! Oh mercy no! I gotta go mother! I don't have time!

I've ran to my room while I left my mother in shocked, she was yelling from the kitchen, when I was in my bedroom, I closed the door and made a star, then made a circle around it, finally I placed each candle where the points of the star,I lit them, when the devil appeared,I told him what does he wants from me.

The devil said, "I you can't find where you did your mistake, then this globe will show you" he gave me the globe on were to find my mistake, at a bank? When did I go to the bank, finally he said, "If you don't make it in time, you'll be my slave forever" he cackled, I have to find the bank, "where is the bank? I've checked and I've forgotten the bank's name" he was shocked, then he was laughing at my question " it's name is the Bank of America and you don't know your city's banks name?! Ha!! You're a pathetic little girl"

I won't be pathetic when he calls me that, I hope the rest of my crew are doing ok, " You won't be calling my pathetic when I fix my mistake, you'll be sorry" I said with determination, I'll never give up, I went through the devil, collecting all my belongings then climb out the window,I've forgot something, I stepped on the line then the candles went out, and the symbol was gone, I've jumped out the window and ran all the way to Bank of America.

When I got there, all other people started yelling at each other, I went past them,
It was hard for me not to let them know that I was here, the secretary was on guard, 'should I pass the secretary or walk by?' I thought, so I went under her then I've put the money bag inside this huge vault inside, I've only placed all 19 bags back soon, I've passed by a little boy who walked up to me, he said, "hwello miss, Iw'm Justin" that was sweet of him saying his name but I have to get out of here quick, I went under the secretary again then passed the angry mobs, then I mad it home, I couldn't here the devil's voice no more! I noticed that I was no longer a slave, now I can be happy, as I turned on the T.V., this man said "reporting LIVE news from Bank of America, the money has MAGICALLY came back, and who is this mysterious person? Is she/he human or animal"

I was happy that they might put me in the news, I'm just glad that my mistake is over, now I can live peacefully.

The End

Words Used (608)

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