"It Was The Girl In The Black Hoodie Using Kitchen Knives"

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/// Lucy's P.O.V. ///


These god damn cashiers.

The idiot charges me full price for a cat scratcher, WHICH WAS OBVIOUSLY ON FUCKING SALE, and kicks me outta the store when I try and tell him.

I glance down at the blue fur-ball in my purse.


"Don't gimme that. I might have gone a little overboard when I decided to put that jackass in his place, but you saw what he was doing." I muttered under my breath.

I continued walking, taking in the familiar surroundings as I go along.

I can't tell you how many times I've walked through Wallosvile to pick new gear up from Laki.

Lev always finds a way to wriggle out of coming down here.
She doesn't like walking by herself, led alone in an area that seems to attract an ass load of thugs.

For an assassin, she can be a real wimp sometimes.

It might be cause she's so tiny.

(I'd already have a bullet in my head if I said that out loud :,)

An expert when it comes to guns or education, and a beginner when combat or physical strength is involved; that's my Levy.

Six or seven minutes into my walk, I feel a presence behind me.

More than one actually.

All around me, hiding in alleyways or blending in.

There's about ten or maybe nine of them.

All men I presume.
I could smell that stench from miles away.

Skulls I assume.
Aquarius mentioned someone who filed a complaint on them lurking around and starting $hit.

I let out a sigh, closing my eyes and coming to a halt.

Footsteps lightly scatter around me in an attempt to be quieter. I stand where I halted, still pretending to have stopped to take a breath for a while.

Still pretending to not know they were trying to catch me by surprise.

This is a boring game.
I'm already thoroughly pissed off, so I guess it's time to blow off a little steam.

I open my eyes again.

Just as I thought.

About ten men in all, creating a circle around me.

Keeping the public out, and me in.
Not a bad strategy. But it could attract quite a lot of attention.

I can see they have a get away van hunkering down a few feet away.

They picked a less crowded area as well.


It's almost a well thought out plan.

The only mistake was their choice in target, along with the time of the day, etc.

One man strays from the circle.
He wears a black leather jacket and has at least five inches on me.

He's in shape, I'll give em that, but he has the face of an ugly swine no doubt.

The man strides up to me, not even bothering to consider something called personal space.

"Hey girlie." He bellows, displaying a sadistic smirk on his (shit hole of a) face.

I almost gag.
His breath smells like a pig's too.

I give him a slightly disgusted face before bending down to take supplies out of my purse.

First I pick Happy out and set him on the ground of course. He needs to stretch his legs a little.

I then snag a large black hoodie from my bag, before standing up to meet the man's eyes.

He looks confused, and a little ticked if I do say so myself.

Stupid people tend to be easier to read.

"Listen here, girlie.
Me and my boys were driving along to a party, and we couldn't help notice a hot chick walkin' all by herself.
You look lonely, how bout we show you a good time, ey?" He says drawing his eyes from mine to look me up and down.
Most of the other men were doing the same thing.

I decided to keep my insults to myself so I could slip on my hoodie.
The man in front of me was still thoroughly confused on why I'd put another layer on at a time like this.

Ooooh~ She brought out the hoodie. $hits about to hit the fan, and someone's gonna be cleaning up a big mess all over the streets - Happy's thoughts.

"Of course, I'd love to go with you." I said, flipping up my hood and bending down to dig around in my bag yet again.

All of the men looked genuinely shocked. Seems they'd never encountered a person who had went along willingly with a kidnapping.

"Unfortunately, you guys preferably won't be alive long enough to enjoy the party with me." I say as I pop back up.
Again, the men around me were too baffled to react at this point.

Although the pig in front of me noticed I had something in my hand, and tilted his head to get a better look at it.


"Don't take this personally sir." I say, right before I slide the kitchen knife into his neck.

The last emotion I saw in his eyes was pure shock.

Here is why I prefer killing like this.

If you end a life before they realize that they're about to die, they're spared of the fear.
The pure fear of knowing death is inevitable, and your existence is about to disappear.
I know it shouldn't, but it makes me feel a little guilty when someone dies like that.

The surprise method is also good for assassins in general, although some are too stupid to see the benefit in using it.
(most assassins like to scare the $hit outta their targets before killing them.)

Fear was made to keep animals alive.

If they are in a life or death situation, fear will force itself in and pull out ones full strength; pushing the animal to survive.

This makes it more difficult to kill the target. And it becomes quite annoying.

Furthermore, when that kind of fear kicks in, it's every animal for themselves, no matter how close they are.

They would sacrifice a life in exchange for survival.
Even if a person doesn't really carry out the deed, the thought crosses there mind at least once.

This fear exploits ones true side.
Separating the light from the dark to be frank.

Humans are animals themselves.

Sometimes we forget that.
That the rules of all living things apply to us as well.

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