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Y/n : Appa what are you doing here on a Saturday?

Appa : Y/n I am the one who texted you to come here.

Y/n : WHAT?! YOU ARE THE SPY! no this can't be happening.

Appa : I have kept a secret from you for a very long time You are not my biological daughter I actually just adopted you and I actually had to fight to get you,I had to fight against Wook Jung (manager of JYP entertainment) I ended up winning and he lost I knew you since you were small because I was your Eomma's friend and when your dad died I was her only hope and I was like a father to you, you were good at EVERYTHING!  Even though you were only five you were AMAXING and Wook Jung used to be my friend and your mother's but we got I to a fight when your mum died and you had to be adopted by someone and both of us wanted you so we fought and as I said I won,but when Wook Jung lost he said he would make you his and I spied and threatened you because I wanted you to leave JOY and come to me and when you said no I for VERY angry!

Y/n : But Appa when I said I wanted to join JYP you said and if I was happy then j should join JYP but why are you acting like this?

Appa : I said yes but in the inside I was extremely sad that you chose them over me your APPA and if you join JYP it also means that I lost to Wook Jung and I didn't want to loos to him so I had my workers threaten you because I thought you would get scared and you would come back to me but when I found it that my plan wasn't working I decided to come and threaten you myself.

As soon as your dad told you all of this you started crying.You were really upset so you just ran away but when you went near the gate a car crashed right into you.You lying there unconscious with a pool of blood surrounding you , hoping that someone would come and save you and someone did but before you looked at them everything went dark.

The guys ran towards you along with your appa,they rushed you into the hospital and the doctors took you to the ICU.The doctors cleant your head which was bloody and you had to get 32 stitches and the injury was pretty serious and since you already had a psychological disorder it just made things worse.You were still unconscious after around 7 hours all the guys were crying badly none of them had eaten yet.

Even though you guys just met they loved you and you loved them.

The doctors came out and said that you are still unconscious and that you lost a lot of blood and that you needed blood, Jungkook decided to give you blood and they took into the medical room to see if he was fit enough to, and the results came out and he was they took him into the room you were in a as soon as he saw you he had a mental break down and started crying even more!

The doctors inserted the needle into his hand which was connected to tube which was connected to a bottle where the blood was getting filled and your hand was connected to the bottle in the same manner.

Jungkook laid in the bed next to yours hoping that you would wake up and run into his arms.After an hour or so Jungkook drifted into his dream land,he was sound asleep until 3am in the morning.

<<<<<<<<<<Jungkook's dream>>>>>>>>

Doctor : I am so sorry to say this but y/n didn't make it.


Jk : No! This can't be happening to her,I didn't even have a chance to tell her that I loved her........


He woke up panting and not wanting to think about the nightmare he had.


COMMENT -What do you think is going to happen to y/n?

And thank you again for all your support taewinya13 and mochislilsis!

And thank you all for 385+ reads and 85+ votes

Highest ranking : 3rd in #15yearsold

Word count : 732

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