Let Me Love You

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The archery range has always been a favorite place of mine, even when I'm not practicing. Like today, I decided the range would be nice place to just chill and unwind for a bit. My mind wandered from place to place finally it landed on (y/n). I worry about (y/n). As if to prove my concern, JARVIS's voice came over the intercom.

"Master Barton,"

"Hey hey JARVIS," I said, stretching my back.

"You have an urgent phone call from Miss (y/n),"

"(y/n)? Put her though,"

Her voice filled my ears. "Clint," She cried out. "Clint he- the sound of impact on her skin cut off her voice,"

"(n/y)! Hold on I'm coming,"

The line went dead.

I made a mad dash for my car, I ran into Tony who dropped his glass of scotch and cursed me out as I tore through the halls. I had to reach (y/n), if I didn't there's no telling what could happen to her.

I turned the key in the ignition, and sped away from the Stark Tower. (y/n) the only thing on my mind. When my phone rang again I answered immediately.

"(y/n)," I tried to hide the terror in my voice.

"Clint. Clint help me please," she begged.

"I'm almost there, just hold on. I'm coming,"

I heard the sound of another impact, and a muffled cry of pain from (y/n).

"Clint," she whispered. "Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Pleeease," she begged the sound of another impact cut her off.

"(Y/N)!!!" I roared into the phone.

The line was dead again.

Finally I reached her apartment, and ran as fast my legs wow carry me. When I reached her door, I kicked it right off of its hinges, and rushed inside. Her screams echoed through the apartment. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her no good dirty rotten ass hole of an ex.

I ran into her bedroom, just as her ex was swinging to beat her with the butt of a lamp. He screamed terrible things, I couldn't control it.

I got a running start and tackled him to the ground. I saw (y/n) out of the corner of my eye. Beaten bloody and senseless. I swung punch after punch, until he finally lost consciousness, I climbed off of him, and towards (y/n).

She sobbed violently clearly in too much pain. Tucking my hand behind her neck and head, gently rubbing the pad of my thumb over her bloody cheek, I whispered,

"(y/n). (y/n), it's me Clint. I'm here,"

She turned to look at me, both of her eyes blackening and puffy. God I wanted to kill her ex for touching her. I think she tried to say my name, but her cut up bloody lips wouldn't let her get the words out. She was losing too much blood.

"I'm gonna call for help okay,"

I first phoned Natasha, her best friend. Then I called SHIELDS equivalent to 911. Natasha was there in the blink of an eye, I had just hung up the phone with the medics, and pulled (y/n) into my lap. She buried her face into my shirt. I stroked her hair, and whispered every sweet word I could bring to mind.

Natasha, practically ripped her from my arms, laying her down on mine, and her knees. Nat said something's in Russian that I didn't understand, but (y/n) did. The medics arrived a few moments later, and I carried her down the stairs to the 'ambulance' it was basically a black sedan with no back seats. Set up like an ambulance in the back.

Nat rode with me to the SHIELD hospital a few blocks away. She grilled me on everything that happened and I filled her in as best as I could. Nat was seething. I know that she warned (y/n)'s ex a month or two ago, about messing with (y/n). That guy was a dead man.

A few hours later the nurse came out and told us that we could visit (y/n) I let Natasha go in first. I didn't want to challenge her, she was your best friend after all. Nat came out of the room in about an hour, and shook my shoulder waking me from my unintentional nap.

"She wants to see you, Clint" she said holding the door open for me. I went in quietly and sat in the guest chair. She looked so small on the bed. She looked at me with red eyes, no doubt she's been crying whether it be from physical or psychological pain. I brushed a few loose strands of her way from her face.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Hi," she smiled a little. I took her delicate hand in mine. Her fingers and knuckles covered with little cuts and bruises that followed all the way up her arm. Her whole body was simply covered in angry marks of red, black and blue.

"Clint," she whispered. I looked into her beautiful (e/c) eyes. They were filled with worry and tears and fear and pain. I hated seeing her this way.


"What will I do now," the tears spilled out over her lashes. "I-I-I can't go back to that house... I"

"Shhh shhhh shhh, Hey don't worry about that right now. Let me worry about that, okay?"

She sniffed and nodded gently. We said nothing for a while, but I knew she did not want me to leave, so I didn't. I just held her limp hand gently massaging it in my fingers.

Before I really knew what I was doing, I whispered, "You can come stay with me (y/n). I'll take care of you. And I won't your ex anywhere near you," I pressed my lips to the center of her palm. Her light fingers flexed, as she turned her hand to cup my cheek. She looked at me.

"No, I couldn't ask that of you Clint," she whispered.

"(y/n), let me take care of you. Let me love you," she did what I did not expect. She caressed my face, and whispered.

"Love me?" in soft voice.

I nodded in her palm. She might as well know.

"I'd like that," she whispered. I smiled, stroking her hand.

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