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Zack went home at about midnight, and soon after, I fell asleep. But before I drifted off, my mind was wild with thoughts, both lovely and terrifying ones. And that night, I dreamt of a future that could one day be mine.

My first day at Lava Java was good, as good as I knew it was going to get. My manager made it bearable. Her name was Rose, a black woman in her mid-thirties with a buzzed head and the kindest spirit. She seemed to treat her team of employees as her children, which welcomed me into my new and hopefully temporary job. I was scheduled as part-time for the next few weeks, with simple training among it. After a few hours of introduction, Rose sent me home early to enjoy my evening. I knew I loved her already. She was the epitome of what we were taught Pisces were to be—sensitive, kind, and selfless.

I wanted to be like Rose. Part of me knew I was supposed to be, but it was hard to compare.

Lava Java was a trendy coffee shop just down the street from where I was living. It was constantly busy with regulars. The place was decorated with brick walls and greenery scattered across the warm, inviting space. It was somewhere I knew I would go to even without being employed at.

Hurrying home, I couldn't wait to tell Zack about my first day. Instead of going into my apartment, I walked a few doors down and pounded on his door anxiously.

I knocked twice when his door flew open, almost as if he were expecting me. Zack stood before me, wearing a collared shirt tucked into khaki pants, and a tie that he was just undoing as I arrived. It hung loosely around his neck, and he grinned to see me.

"Miss Rosenthal," he said with elegance, stepping back and holding the door open.

I smiled and let myself into his apartment. His looked similar to mine, but slightly smaller and without a second bedroom. It was just as grand and held the same, breathtaking view that made the high expenses worthwhile.

"You're looking pretty dressed up," I commented, sitting myself at the bar stools. "Was your boss at the internship impressed?"

"As impressed as you? No," Zack said with a chuckle. "She was actually kind of a bitch. I don't think she likes me."

"What? How can anyone not like you?"

Zack grabbed a banana from the counter and leaned against it while peeling his fruit. "Well, let's just say she doesn't appreciate my sense of humor. Sarcasm isn't professional, I guess."

I rolled my eyes. "Not really, no."

We spent the next half hour talking all about our first days as employed Pisces. I bragged about Rose and complained about a co-worker or two. Normally, I would be hesitant to openly speak about my opinions on other people, but Zack had even stronger things to say, so it comforted me to be myself.

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