I Do

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* Since this is about to end (on the 10th chapter) also My last book because my account has been acting up so you need to follow me again at Mikey cipher artist. I will make more books over at that new account. I might make another Garroth x Laurence book and other types of books (like kai x Lloyd, or something else) it will be hard to say my last goodbyes to this old account But hope you guys enjoy and follow that other account*

Laurence pov)

It was morning and the sunlight was all up in my window. I looked over to see my love. I smiled and gave him a little peck on his forehead. "despierta mi amor". I said with a smile. I looked at him and his eyes were half open. "good morning lar lar". he said while getting up and kissing me on the lips. I kissed back with a smile on my face.

We both got up and we washed up, brush our teeth, and put our clothes on. I looked at Garroth was in a black hoodie but it was cut a little and some sweatpants.

(this hoodie really link right here):https://pin.it/3v62bfy4sk5imq 

I blushed a little at the sight. Man, I am really lucky to have this bunny has my lover. "Laurence are you oh ok?". Garroth said with a questionable face. "Ya I'm fine, anyway I will be over at Aphmau's house.". I said with a smile. "ok well I have to go to the store so bye". He said and kiss me goodbye.

when Garroth went out the door about 5 mins later I went out the door and went to Aphmau's house.

I knocked on the door and the person who opened was Kawaii chan. "Laurence~Sama what do you need". she said while I went in.

"Well, I was going to tell You and Aphmau of what going on," I said

Aphmau came downstairs greeting me with a hug. We sat at the table." So Laurence what is your big secrets?" Aphmau asked.

"Well, first don't freak out". I took a deep breath and looked at the both from them."I'm dating Garroth and I want to marry him". I said with a smile.

The two girls were shocked and they smiling at me. "OMG LAURAENCE~SAMA KAWAII~CHAN THINKS YOU SHOULD GET READY NOW!" Kawaii yelled with happiness.

"Kawaii~chan right you need to get ready and go down to the beach. I will tell everyone to go there and I will tell Dante to keep Garroth busy". Aphmau said with happiness. 

I ran out of the house to go to the Ring store cause I really love this bunny. I got there really fast. " hello sir, what can I get you today," The person in the front asked me when I walked inside. "Wait, Laurence". I looked up to see Nicole. "Nicole!? you work here?!" I said with a shocked face. "well duh I need a job and I love to see the pretty thing so I work here". She said with a smile.

"so, what can I do for you?". she said with a smile.

I looked around and see a ring that had blue in the middle of it. "uh Nicole how much is this?" I asked. "You don't have to pay we are friends after all. Puls Aphmau text me to come to the beach to see you marry your bunny boo". She smiles while joking. She the ring out and put in in a little box. She then puts it in a bag and gave to me.

"have a nice day, see you oh ok beach" she waved goodbye and I did the same. 

It was about 4:50 and I was back at Aphmau house where I see everybody but Dante and Garroth.

Everybody turned around and saw me and all of them smiled. "Alright everybody I will tell Dante we are ready to go," Aphmau said to everyone. Everybody went to the door and ran to the beach. I was given a tuxedo. I put it on quickly and head out like the others did. 

( An hour later by  DANTE THE MAN)

Laurence pov )

We all made at the beach and everybody was excited about whats going happen."Alright, guys, I called Dante He said He brings Garroth right now". Aphmau said with a smile. I smile and I put ring box being my back.

Garroth Pov )

Dante and I were in the car and I had a blindfold covering my eyes so I can't see. Dante told we were going somewhere.  "Dante where are we going". I said while whining. "Somewhere magical". He said.  

(About five mins later)

Garroth pov still)The car stopped and I hear Dante getting out the car. He opened my door and helped me to get out the car since I can't see anything. Dante helped me walked down somewhere. I smell the sea and sand. I finally feel sand on feet. "ok Garroth Just stand there and take off your blindfold".  he said. I took off my blindfold to see Laurence on one knee. "L-Laurence w-what is all this," I said confused and surprised at the same time. 

"Garroth honey I loved you since high school when we were dumb and crazy teenagers. I knew you were the one for me. Since the new year's party, I didn't want to see you cry. I don't want to see you depressed. I want you happy, laughing, and that perfect smile on your beautiful face". He said with a charming smile. I looked at him with tears of joy rolling down my face. " so I want to know".

"Garroth Ro'mave will you Marry me?~". while he opened the box that had a ring in it. My eyes went wide and I smile with joy while tears of joy rolling down my eyes once more. 

"Yes, a thousand times YES!" I said while he pulled me in for a kiss. Everybody around us was taking pictures and clapping there hands. and I was so happy!

crying for love (garroth x laurence)Where stories live. Discover now