Chapter Twelve: Shared Fear

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Okay so I'm a fuckin 21 year old university grad and way too old for this but it's 3am and I just finished rereading this fic and my notes and fuccc I wanna continue writing it so here we gooooooo

(It's been a lil while since I wrote anything. Please bear with me, I'm a little rusty lol)

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It was so boring being stuck at home alone. I spent my days in an almost muted manner, shuffling around where I could, to go to the toilet or mess with things in my bedroom. Morning was marked by Ascelin leaving for school, afternoon by Saure bringing my lunch, evening by Ace coming back. He was returning later and later the last few nights, studying for his extracurriculars. I knew because I clock watched, waiting for him to arrive.

"Aaaaceeee don't go to school todayyyy~~" I whined, clutching his blazer sleeve as he turned to leave my bedroom. "It's so boring here alone..."

"You're not alone, Saure's here." My brother pointed out. I scowled,

"It's not the same! She doesn't come spend time with me, she's too busy working." I pouted, inwardly cringing at how bratty I sounded. My character sure was taking a hit from this unwilling confinement. "All I do is just lay here and think about stuff, I miss schooool~~"

Ace squinted at me suspiciously "What stuff do you even have to be thinking about?" I blushed lightly, realising I'd said too much, but luckily he flinched, looking at his watch and crying out, "Crap! I don't have time for this, I'm gonna be late!"

My idiot brother planted a kiss on the top of my head and whirled, rushing downstairs. I leaned as far as I dared out of my bed after him "It's not even a school day! Why are you going?!"

"I have a study session! And Meena's gonna be there!" He called back. I could hear him fumbling with his shoes. "I'll be back around four okay? Not long!"

I pouted some more. I'd already spent five days stuck in this house on my own. Now he was even going off on a Saturday, all just to flirt with Meena. I couldn't help being jealous- and to that end, I didn't shout to warn him about the stone frog. The thud and groan of Ace tripping over it soon followed.

Then the door shut, and he was gone. "Stupid Oniisan." How could he choose her over me? When I'm injured?? "I'm gonna fall today, that'll show you! Stupid oniisan!"

I flinched at the sudden harsh ring of my phone. Had he heard me?? Was he calling to tell me off? I scrambled to pick up the phone, checking the caller ID and instantly feeling relief. It was just Haruhi.

"Haruhi-chan," I said softly, after answering, happiness regained, "I missed you-" I cut off, flushing, embarrassed by my own forwardness. "Ah, sorry. That was..."

I could almost hear her smiling, "Don't worry, Ai-chan. That was cute. I missed you too. It feels like it's been forever!"

I blinked, having expected somewhat for her to laugh at me. I couldn't help the small sniffle then; I just felt so happy to have a friendship like this. "It has been forever, I've been stuck in my room so long and I'm going crazy."

"Well," I heard some shuffling of papers. She was probably putting away her textbooks. "I've got the rest of the day free. I know it's short notice but do you want to go do something? Ah," she paused, "If it's not too much for you, with the crutches, that is."

"Yes!! Please." I exclaimed, then caught myself, face warm. "I really want to get out of this house."

"Alright. Can you be ready in an hour? We can take the bus into town." She asked, and I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of the ultimate blessing that was having Haruhi as my friend. "You sound like you need cake."

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