Chapter 1

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**Hey guys it's me Aleisha but u guys can call me Ash :3 so I am writing this story in their povs and occasionally third person since well yeah two characters at the same time is hard ;-; anyways HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 💕💕** 

Keith's P.O.V

**beep beep beep beep** I slam my hand on the alarm blaring in my ear, getting up I get dressed for my bro to grab me for the airport to America.(BTW I'm just trying to get into Keefy boi and Takashit to go to America for their friends cause why the heck not XD) "Ugh, what time is it?" I check the time it says 9:45am. "Oh ok I have enough time to wake up before Takashit grabs me" I hear a meow from beside me, petting Red I wake up fully with her purring. "Morning girl, got to get ready for bro I guess." I walk into the bathroom washing my face and tying my hair up to get ready, grabbing my mascara and other makeup appliances I finally look alive for once. (Lol same Keef) When my makeup is applied I trudge downstairs to grab breakfast 'ooh microwave eggs, this will have to do' waiting for my breakfast I sit on the couch with my backpack waiting for Takashi. 

Takashi's P.O.V

I came home to pick up Keith so we can go to our plane flight. Walking into the house, I saw Keith on the couch with the most ridiculous position he was hanging off the couch while eating Microwaved eggs upside down, I started to laugh and he fell off the couch in surprise choking on his eggs. "Oh my God! Keith are you okay? hahaha" I was crying on the floor of laughter when Keith got up he said to me dead serious with a straight face "I hate you Takashit, literally I almost died and you're laughing" He pouted his little baby pout and then I felt guilty. "Oh no, god not the pout" I whined. Keith just stared at me with puppy eyes, and I just hugged him "I'm so so so so so so sorryyyy" He started laughing at me and handed me a recorder and played it over and over again. "Why you little bugger!" I pounce on him then Red thought I was attacking him and decided to claw at my face. "No! Red ahhhh!" Keith just started laughing at me while I ran around trying to get her off. She jumped off me and curled in Keith's lap. "Well I guess you don't need a guard dog" I mumbled. Keith snorted and I swear he had instant regret on his face so I just teased him about it until we got all his luggage into the car.

~*TIME SKIP Brought to you byyyyy Keith's kitten sneezes -w-*~

Keith's P.O.V

While waiting in the car listening to my favourite songs I was trying to ignore my bro since I snorted in front of him and in embarrassment he teased me. So I got my phone out and started texting our friend group in America.
-=Keefy Boi is online=-

Keefy Boi: Sup

Sharpshooter: Ayye Samurai

Pidgeon: Sup Emo boy :3

Keefy Boi: I'm bored and Takashit is teasing me in the car ;-;

Pidgeon: What for lol

Keefy Boi: I snorted -//-

Sharpshooter: Haha nice

Keefy Boi: Shush ur face

Sharpshooter: Make me ;)

Pidgeon: Ew your gay is showing

Sharpshooter: Shushhhh Gremlin

Pidgeon: Fight me boi!

Keefy Boi: mkay then OH I'm at the airport ttyl


Sharpshooter: See ya Mullet

-=Keefy Boi has gone offline=-

I got off my phone as soon as we got into the airport parking lot and helped Shiro take out the luggage. We went through the security and were now on the plane for take off so I decided to sleep.

Shiro's P.O.V

I saw Keith asleep so I went asleep with him waiting for the plane to land in America.

THE END OF CHAPTER 1 WOOOO! it looks bad ;-; oh welp! anyways i may not be posting as much as i have school soon uuugh anyways hope you guys liked it Ash out :3

Word count (704 Words)

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