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                       Jade's P.O.V

I cant believe it he is really alive and he actually made it. Im staring right at him, but when Jake came back with the doctors i got really mad. I only got mad because they made us leave while Sam was still in there. I was really mad but my happiness overcame me and I suddenly jumped with joy. The bad thing about it is that now i have to have a sturn talk with Sam about this. Honestly this is all my fault i shouldnt have yelled but also he shouldn't have tried to kill himself.
But still im at blame. For the first time since we were at the hospital I turned to Aaron and hugged him and I hugged him because I needed the love instead of my having bad thoughts I just needed a break from thinking. Finally after 2 hours the doctor came out and said that Sam was going to be okay and that we could take him home anytime we wanted. So I immediately signed the papers and we got Sam quickly taking him home.

                         Time skip

When we got home and situated I sat Sam down with all of the other roomates and we began our long talk. I honestly couldn't speak because I was sad disappointed and happy all at once. I guess Aaron saw that to because he started to talk. "Sam buddy we aren't mad but we also aren't happy. Yes we are glad you are alive but we are also disappointed that you did that to yourself." Corey looked at me and then he started talking. "Sam you shouldn't have done that to yourself as you can tell you made us all very sad especially Jade and Colby. Jade only ran out because she needed space she wasnt mad at you." Finally I decided to speak up. "Sam, Corey is right I wasn't mad I was just needing space. I was surprised that Aaron kissed me and it made me feel weird." After I spoke then Sam spoke "guys I'm really sorry about all of this I just thought you were mad but now I know you weren't you needed space and that's all. I promise I will never do anything like that again and Aaron if you want to date her then go ahead I was just so caught up I the moment that I realized that I shouldn't have said what I said I love you guys." He said pulling us into a group hug. "We love you to" we all said happily. Now finally every thing could go back to being normal. "Who wants to watch some movies and eat pizza rolls." me and Corey suggested. I heard everyone say me all around the room so I walked to the kitchen to make the pizza rolls. Colby started to pick a movie while Corey kept suggesting stupid movies. well seems like everything was back to normal again last. I was happy to be with my family.

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