6: Visitation (Edited)

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         To be precise it was Logan's stepfather, but they didn't exactly have a father after their original died in the plane crash. "Maria, how are you?" Non the less it was a surprise to find this cheater seemingly crawling back inter the mother's life. "Logan my man! Alexandria you're so tall." He coughed and breathed shakily. "You could've called first." Maria fidgeting with her bag spoke.

  "It wouldn't be fun and I wouldn't see your expression." A passing moment seemed to hang in the air forever, Logan piped up "how is the big city?" Logan lived in Pennsylvania with fields and farms and space, but his step-father had gone to New York City. When Rodney came back he'd come with a beautiful woman who had replaced Maria.

    Henry ran in last minute huffing and put his hand on the wall "Henry, I see you've been-" a cough "taking care of the little ones as I see." He shifted a bit in the bed but didn't move at all.  "yeah, you could say that." Henry smirked a bit but other than that said nothing more. "Sorry to interrupt, but visitation hours are about to be closed." A nurse came into the scene. Logan looked up at her as she carried in a new drip bag, he was scared of what would happen to Rodney even if he didn't like him. 

    "Come on we'll leave him to rest," Maria spoke up and grabbed her jacket from off the chair she was sitting in. Henry started to walk out followed by Logan, holding Alexandria's hand. Maria was last as she silently waved to Rodney and closed the door. Maria took a deep breath as she leaned against the door. "Are you ok mom?" Alexandria asked, her mom only shook her head yes. She took her keys out of her pocket and stood up straight. Without any words, she exited the building with her children on her tail.

   Logan looked out the window of the car, silence filled the air, no one spoke. Alexandria played with a book, Henry followed them in the car behind them. Logan's eyes followed the lights and marked patterns on the window with his finger from the cool night. 

   The door creaked open to their home. Maria excused herself and escaped into her room, leaving her kids alone. "Alexandria, would you make sure mom is ok?" Henry looked down at Alexandria. "yes. where you going, big brother." Logan chuckled "Big Brother." the nickname used when Alexandria was curious. "I think Logan needs some time on the town." Logan looked shocked and his face heated "w-what, I'm 16." Henry laughed "I know, we need some big brother bonding time." 

    Logan smiled as Henry made sure Alexandria was ok before grabbing his keys and waving Logan to the car. 

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