The Letter

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You trudged along the icy river bank as you had held the pale of water in your grasp shivering as the cold water had come in contact with your clothing. Yuno was holding on the bottom of the bucket, balancing the weight above him, which was not much help as you kept spilling the icy liquid every time your hand twitched, giving him multiple apologies for. "Why couldn't we just use our magic (Y/N)? It would've been much easier.." your petite friend complained as he was hit with another splash of water.

You had let out a huff as you pulled up the bucket handle that was falling from your grasp. "I don't wanna rely too much on my powers Yu! If I run out, what would I do then? I won't be able to do much else y'know." You finally replied as you continued to trek the familiar path that had been covered by a blanket of snow back to the field. "Oh, uh... then.." You looked at the golden-eyed kid as he hesitated to speak, a look of determination filled his facial expression, only to be replaced with a look of defeat and embarrassment as he finally sighed as he mumbled a nevermind, continuing to focus on the task of bringing dinner to the plants that he and I had cared for. You had made a fuss again, feeling a twinge of guilt from the treatment that was quite literally being showered with, but still could help feel agitated by the way he held his tongue. Why won't he just say was was on his mind? Negative thoughts raced in your mind as you accidentally splashed him with another cold wave. Hearing his teeth start to chatter, you caved into your guilt as you had used your magic to have the bucket float away from his grasp hearing a sigh of relief from the unarticulate kid, then followed by a shudder as a cold gust of wind came blowing towards him and mentally noted that you would pay him back for bombarding him in cold water.

Finally arriving to the bramble wall, you gave it a small smile. The bramble wall had grown significantly taller by a few feet from constantly using your powers to make it grow a little taller day by day and had only stopped till it was tall enough to have a significant amount of head room for you to not feel claustrophobic anymore. Carefully placing the bucket down, you had brought up your hands as you parted the bramble wall to fit Yuno, the bucket, and yourself through the entry comfortably to then proceeding with the bucket carrying with Yuno. Pushing yourself through the entrance, it got significantly warmer from inside the field like magic. Stopping in front of the field, you marveled at it for a second. The plants were untouched by the snow thanks to our constant visits, the untilled ground covered with bright green grass and the uprooted soil had still kept its rich brown color, thanks to your magic that the plants have lived off of this whole winter, it looked like spring inside, protected from the cold climate of the winter outside. You had started this field early spring and you were delighted on how your crops had turned out, there were two small trees that bore significantly sized pears and apples and just a few feet from their shade were raspberries, blueberries, and currants basking in the sunlight of the clearing. You had kept them alive with both tender care and your own magic, and they bore fruits faster than normal. And today they were ripe and perfect for picking.

Giddy of making your big reveal to your family today you had made four baskets from wood splints that you had created with your magic before hand, the said baskets currently giving company to the small stump that you had consistently used as a bench or a book holder. Breaking away from your proud doting, you put down the bucket to watch as Yuno dispersed the water from the bucket to shower onto the small field. You were once again dragged into your own little space as you watched in awe of how the small shower made a light rainbow around your precious garden, illuminating more of its beauty. You looked at Yuno who was also looked at the garden with proud eyes as you smiled warmly at the side of his face. You were grateful that he had found out your secret a few months back when you first started it because if it weren't for him this garden most likely wouldn't have been successful. He had helped with tasks and even asked farmers for advice on farming and tending to crops, something you wouldn't think of doing because you always preferred to find your own method... which usually led to disaster.

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