Chapter .5. The argument

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Hello, my lovelies I am back with another chapter of "The hunters"!

Stray had finally caught up with Soren making idle chat through that just contained chirping and hissing. while trotting back to the cave with screaming people on their backs. The women on Strays back started screaming louder letting out loud cries about where is her baby the husband tried to calm her down. Soren stopped when he heard this he starred at stray and hissed, "What does she mean about her baby what did you do with it?". Stray didn't say anything before he chirped out a reply, "I didn't do anything to it all I did was take it to a house and left it by a door leaving a loud knock." That seemed to calm Soren a little when his frill around his neck went down. Stray then got a little angry and hissed," What did you think I would have done!". Soren seemed taken aback by this and chirped,"Nothing."

 Stray shook his head in anger and growled,"No I believe you thought I killed it I may change into xenomorph but that does not mean I would kill an innocent child, these are adults I know they are innocent but we have no choice right now we have to use them as hosts so don't give me that crap you have innocent people so don't be a hypocrite." With that Stray turn his head away from Soren and carried on.

Soren was taken aback but him and Stay never fought he felt guilty why would he think that his friend would hurt a baby. Stray was always caring so why would he think that maybe becoming apart of this was a huge mistake. Soren didn't want to hurt innocent people but here they were bringing innocent people back to be hosts and suffer a painful death. Soren tried not to think about it the humans stopped screaming but passed out from exhaustion. Soren thought about how he could apologize to his beloved friend.

Stray thought about how Soren would think that of him and kept getting angrier. *Why would he think that what have I ever done to make him think that I would do something like that*. Stray shook his head angry at Soren that is when he felt something rubbing against his shoulder. He looked to see Soren rubbing his head against his shoulder Stray growled and shoved him away. Soren let out a whimper Stray felt guilty and looked back seeing Soren with his head somewhat down. *Hmf serves him right* Stray says in his head but once the words came up he felt sickened to himself. He keeps himself from turning around and telling Soren his sorry.

If Soren didn't already feel guilty now he felt lower then he already felt. Soren knew that he had gone too far when he accused Stray so right now he was facing the consequences. As they headed to the gave and putting the people on the sticky black walls. Neo could sense the tension between the two. Neo spoke,"Did something happen between you to?"Stray spoke before Soren could,"No we just had an argument and that it all." Soren could only nod he didn't want Stray to be mad at him. Neo knew that wasn't the case but new if she pressed further that could make it worse so she remained quiet. Then Neo had an idea she remembered when he daughters would fight they would go spar, of course, it was deadly but somehow, in the end, the bond seems to grow by fifty. So Neo spoke," You know outside may not have a lot of people so why don't you two spar to be more useful to your bodies that way when you are in combat you know some skills, plus, I could go ahead and start building my tunnel so you won't be bored watching me." Soren and Stray nodded and went outside.

Ooh some drama with our boys will this be resolved or will it get worse, who knows~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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