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Strip away the shell of my heart's armour,
I still feel the sting of the devil's laughter.
Like a poison flowing through my arteries,
no ticks on the clock when times are darker.

It's like I'm paralysed in this earthly paradise,
we think but we don't analyse this mental paradigm.
We are vulnerable, this world's pedestrians are  simply parasites,
sucking everything out of you,
until breath is determined to leave your carcass

It may be a pure blue during the post dawn mornings,
but by the very end of the day, most of us are mourning.
Answering to the screams and pleas out hearts are calling,
fading away with our life energy, our souls are falling.

Why are we so oblivious to the signs of reality,
we are so determined to build a life of fantasy.
Stuck in the cycle of our dreams of sleep,
we forget about the initial test of agony.

Moonlit VersesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora