Part 1

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The voice comes from far away, thus making me twist around. Trying to get comfortable in an uncomfortable position. I hear some mumbling but it doesn't sound important. Should it though? I try to remember where I am, coming up blank. Looking around I try to find where the source of the sound is. Barbara's face enters my view and my face lits up. Her flaming hair is as beautiful as ever, it strikes a nerve in me. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes but I'd like to stay strong for her. I haven't seen her in ages, why would she suddenly come up to me? Her green eyes remind me of Starfire which feels like another knife to the heart. The tears that I tried to keep in spill over my cheeks and I desperately wish for a hug or a bowl of cereal, whichever I can get first. The thought brings a sad smile to my face and seems to encourage Barbara to hold out her hand for me to grab. My arm moves on it's own and a small sparkle from the touch of her hand makes my heart flutter, if only slightly. Our fingers lace together as our bodies move closer to each other to make it less awkward. With only an inch apart, I can clearly see the tiny freckles on her nose and cheeks. They look like tiny specks of gold and make her features even more mesmerizing.


Her lips move but strangely enough they don't make a sound. It's coming from somewhere else. Eyes scanning around, trying to determine where the sound is coming from. When my eyes land on Barbara it seems as if she never noticed that I was distracted. Her eyes seem to look right through me as if she knows something I don't. My eyes seem to betray me. Every time that they focus on her she seems to be almost translucent. What is happening!? She still hasn't moved and fear is starting to creep into me. I'm calling her name but even that doesn't earn me a reaction. Suddenly her grip tightens and I yelp in surprise. How can she be that strong? My hands are now both caught in a death grip and I'm having a full blown panic attack. Just then everything seems to be translucent and fading quickly till there's nothing left.


I gasp loudly and find myself on the cold floor and several faces staring at me. I was asleep? Is Barbara okay? Am I okay?! My panic attack slowly resurfaces and faces disappear from my view except one. A female face is mumbling soothing words to me which don't make sense. Someone lifts my head and tries to put a pillow beneath it and I now notice that I'm hyperventilating. My pupils widen instantly and I try to sit up. I struggle for awhile but a pair of hands help me and I instantly put my head between my knees. My thoughts race to the times when Bruce calmed me down and I begin to take in slow breaths. I keep it in for a couple of seconds and then I slowly breath out. After a couple of times the dizziness goes away and I can focus on the scene around me.

Officers are all around me, staring at me with pity and some with disgust. I feel the tears trickling down and I wipe them away furiously. I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Amy with a smile on her face. I mimic her and slowly rise up so our eyes meet.

"It's okay Rookie, it was just a nightmare, nothing to be ashamed of. Why don't you take the rest of the night off. I'm sure we can handle things perfectly fine without you." Her smile is sympathetic and she seems to mean every word. It wouldn't be so bad if I left, right?

"I guess you guys can handle things just fine. I'll just...... I'll just change in some comfy clothes." I can always just go on patrol as Nightwing and keep an eye on Amy at the same time. No, she's right I should take the rest of the night off. Blüdhaven can do one night without me. I guess I could take Clancy on that date that I promised. If she isn't too mad about me cancelling the last two dates.

I slowly make my way towards the locker room and settle down on one of the benches. I slide forward and let my forehead rest against the cool lockers. I never meant for them to see me this weak. That whole scene was just pathetic. I'm lack and suddenly overwhelmed by exhaustion, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep and dream about Barbara. My eyes are beginning to droop, my breathing slows down and it feels like heaven. A couple hours of sleep seem like a good idea right about now.

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