Chapter 3

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"What is it?" i asked

Harry softly held my right hand and opened it, placing a piece of paper on it.

I looked at the paper closely and saw that it's the ticket..for the concert.

"I-i dont have money for t-this" i said while stuttering, thinking on how to pay for this ticket

"No, it's free, for you" he said the last word in a whispering way, leading me back to the room.

before i can respond to him, my phone rang and there was the bitch, calling me.

"Hey denise" i greeted

"hey are you at the concert?" she asked

"yeah, I am."

"great, are there any chances that there is a spare ticket that I can buy to watch the show?" she asked, hope audible in her voice

"hold on" i replied, before asking Harry

"Hey, Harry? do you by chance have an extra ticket for the show? my bestfriend wants to come, but don't worry, she's gonna pay for it" i asked him, hoping that there is because I want the best for my bestfriend too.

he was startled and later on processed what I was saying so he ran back to the backstage and I'm guessing he was checking.

"Harry's checking" i told Denise

"I hope there is. I convinced my mom to let me go" she replied, it was obvious that she was happy and excited, which warms my heart.

after about 5 minutes, Harry came back with a ticket in his hand. After seeing it, i was hyped up, happy to tell the news to my bestfriend.

Harry walked to me and gave me another VIP ticket, luckily our seat was beside each other.

"This was supposed to be my sister's and your was supposed to be my mom's, but they aren't able to go here" He explained

I thanked him and im guessing Denise heard everything because she was literally shouting at the phone.

"I'm coming, i'm coming!" she shouted before ending the call. It was pretty loud that's why Harry heard it too and we looked at eachother before giving out a laugh.

around 10 minutes later, Denise arrived. She texted me that she was in the entrance. I told Harry that I was gonna get her because she doesn't know the path, and He nodded.

I walked to the entrance, earning a  few glares here and there, since I came from the backstage. I saw Denise and I called her, she saw me immediately too.

"shittttt, i'm excited!" she exclaimed while hopping all around.

"shush!! we're earning glares from the girl!" i whispered, laughing as i do so.

"i don't care" she scoffed, both of us laughing. we reached the backstage and Harry was there, waiting for us.

"HARRY OMG" denise shouted before jumping at him.


After a bit of fangirling here and there, Harry decided to give the tickets to us for free, and Denise was extremely thankful for that.

Concert || h.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang