-. Chapter 15 .-

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The morning arrived and the two woke up to the sunlight shining in Minseok's room. It was a even brighter shade of pink when the sun shine on it. Sehun woke up to a little snore beside him, seeing Minseok laying peacefully for the first time on his chest. 'What a relief.' Sehun though he was finally back with love, he had to do something special. Knocks on the door made the sleepy boy wake up. "Yeah?" His soft like honey voice said so early in the morning. "I'm out for work today, don't spend to much time thinking about your mom please, she in a good place." Minseok's dad said. He heard him walk away and for a sec Minseok began to feel sad again. The save heaven of Sehun didn't least long, he forgot for a sec that his mom just pasted away. Sehun who was awake the whole time saw Minseok breakdown slowly but surely. His head lowered and Sehun could feel his heart drop, he grabbed Minseok and layed him on his chest. "Sweetie cry it out if you want, i'm here for you and i'll never leave again." Sehun said shushing his baby a bit by going softly true his hair. Minseok sobbed loudly in his chest for the past hour.

They finally could come out of bed and take a shower. Minseok clung the whole time to Sehun, today would be one of does day's that Minseok would be very clingy and needy. Not that Sehun had a problem with that not at all but sometimes he could act a bit like a brad because of it. "Daddy i want ice scream!" Minseok yelled from his room, Sehun had to do work since he started to work full time again. "Later sweetie daddy has lots of work." Minseok walked out his room over to Sehun, he sat on his lap. "I want ice cream." Wiggling his ass around letting Sehun groan. "Stop or else we won't get ice cream." Sehun said strict trying to get back to his work but Minseok wouldn't let him. "Minseok is swear to god just wait a minute i have to turn this in." Sehun signed hoping that his baby wouldn't be so difficult today but life turned his back on him. "Can we get ice cream after that?" "Yes baby." Sehun thought that Minseok would move then but he stayed on his lap. "Baby?" "Can i stay on your lap for a bit?" Minseok's already put his head in the crook of Sehun's neck. "Sure." Eventually Minseok fell asleep like that, that was only good for Sehun he could finish some work so he was really free for today.

A little groan came from the boy who was laying on Sehun's chest. "Good evening sleepyhead, had a good nappy?" Minseok nodded and look at the time. 5 PM already he looked a bit worried. "Go get some clothes on and we will get ice cream." Minseok happily ran to his room, putting Sehun's large sweater on with some cute tieds. He walkes out the room with a awhh from Sehun before they headed out. Walking around to the local ice cream shop, it was a bit colder that justly but the guys could still walk around hand in hand. For some reason people looked it them with disgust on there face, whispering when they walked by. "Sehunnie?" "Yes sweetie?" "People look at use weirdly, I don't like." Sehun signed. Here was very different than Seoul because both cities is not totally accepted but because Seoul is the big city and a lot of foreigns walk around there they usually just overlook it but here people don't see it often. "Almost there baby don't worry." After a few minutes walking they finally saw the ice cream store. "Sehunnie i wanna go home." "We'll pick up some ice cream and go home after that okay?" Minseok nodded with a satisfied 'hmm'

When they walked in the store they both were overwhelmed with the colours of the shop, bright pastel pink decored the store. "Hello, what may it be for you guys." The owner said so nicely different from other people. "I want one Strawberry and one chocolate." Minseok said cheerful and hide behind Sehun when he got shy for a moment. "I just want strawberry too." "Coming right up for you guys." Minseok got all excited for the ice cream and when he was done making it he thanked him gracefully. Sehun payed him and they keep going.

When they arrived home, Minseok mouth was under the chocolate ice cream. "Look at the mess you made." Sehun laughed and grabbed a napkin to take it off. "Sehunnie." "Yes my sweet baby." "Minseokie is tired." He yawned, the sadness from today took his energy away tho you could see it today was not his best day.

"Let's take a nappy together." Sehun said laying down on the couch with Minseok on his chest, resting his hand on Minseok lower back and driving off to sleep.

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