sugardaddy (pg-13)

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**Unedited, so please feel free to call out any errors/misspellings :)

Mitch sighed as he logged onto a recommended website for daddies and babies. He'd seen it on billboards around LA, tv commercials, and posters for it plastered on sides of buildings.

He needed another source of money desperately. Mostly for college and textbooks. He and his family were able to pay for the first few semesters, but after that, there was no more money and Mitch needed a quick solution.

He made an account and left it alone for a few hours. Several creepy messages came into his inbox, but there was one that stood out among them all. It was just a simple "Hi" which made it noticeably less forward than all the rest that were guessing about how tight and sweet he was.

Mitch responded.

mg: Hey :)

"Was that too forward...?" he wondered aloud to himself. Mitch shrugged and hummed. It didn't really matter. There were hundreds of thousands of daddies on there, it wasn't like the world was burning if one of them thought a smiley was weird.

Almost instantly, he got a message back.

"Hey, how are you?" Mitch read to himself as he thought out a response. "I'" He pressed send and waited for another message.

AnonymousBlondie: I'm well, thank you for asking. You're very polite. So, you're looking for a sugardaddy?

mg: Yes.

AnonymousBlondie: Might I ask why you need the money?

mg: My family is poor, but I got accepted into an amazing college.

AnonymousBlondie: Ahh, I see. Let's talk a bit more and I'll offer you a deal.

Over the next week and a half, Mitch and the said-to-be blond man texted religiously and had fun. The deal was that Mitch would send him several pictures a week and the blond would pay him. New lingerie, masturbation, playing with toys, videos, nudes, anything in that category was acceptable and it seemed easy enough. Mitch agreed and the blond told him that he could start whenever he wanted to. If he kept it up and was good, the daddy would pay for Mitch's entire education at the college. They both agreed to keep everything anonymous and not reveal their identities for several reasons.

The next day, Mitch got bored and decided to pay the blond a visit. He took two nude pictures and sent them via iMessage. A few minutes later he got a long-ish text back about how gorgeous he was, and that was what made Mitch certain he had chosen the right daddy. He got a message that a nice sum had been added to his Paypal.

During one of their many conversations, the blond had told Mitch that he had inherited a ludicrous amount of money and had nothing to do with it. He had also inherited a nice home, and on top of all that, he had a job as an English literature professor.

It was currently the first day of the second semester and Mitch was heading into class. He had two new classes this time because he had finished up a couple of easier courses earlier. Civics and literature.

Mitch walked into literature and took a seat relatively close to the front. He dug his textbook out along with a standard notebook and pencil and waited for class to start. Reading and writing have always been his favorite activities so this class should be fun.

"Sorry I'm late!" A voice boomed as the doors creaked open.

Mitch looked up as a handsome blond in a long black jacket rushed down the aisle and to the desk. God, he was stunning.

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