Chapter 1:

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Alex's POV
Look, I never wanted it to end this way. She was supposed to win, I was supposed to lose. Business as usual, except business as usual went very, very wrong. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Alexandra Hamilton. You may know me better as Silent Storm, one of the city of Raven Falls' more famous supervillains, and the sworn enemy of Samantha Gastineau. You may know her better as Astris. This is the story of how I killed my best friend and arch nemesis.

You're probably wondering how those titles could possibly belong to the same person. The truth is we never actually hated each other, it was all just an act. An act that went too far. I should probably give those of you who are reading this a little bit of background into our relationship. Otherwise, your feeble minds won't be able to comprehend any of this.

It all started during our time in high school; the institution where hopes, dreams, and individuality go to die. Back then, I was nothing but a humble, straight A, student who skipped P.E. to go hide under a chair in the library and get on Tumblr. Sam, however, was a varsity volleyball player, SGA president, and one of the most popular girls in school. Not to mention the biggest goody-two-shoes I've ever met. So it really is no surprise that we weren't exactly best buddies when I accidentally bumped into her in the hall on the first day of our Freshman year.

"Excuse me, can you move?!" Sam said in a snarky voice. I rolled my eyes in disgust and kept walking.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" She yelled from about five feet behind me. I picked up my pace and hoped she wouldn't catch up. Unfortunately, she did, no thanks to the people in front of me that were moving at a snail's pace. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around so I was facing her.

"Don't touch me!" I said firmly and removed her hand from my shoulder.

"Then don't ignore me when I'm talking to you." She responded.

"I don't talk to people who address me snarkily," I said flatly and walked away.

"You're going to regret walking away from me!" Sam yelled.

"Oh yeah?! See if I care!" I retorted from about twenty-one feet away. I quickly wove through the groups of people walking to class together and left Sam in the dust. I didn't see her again until lunch. She sat with the rest of the populars and I went to what would become my usual spot. Alone, at a table in the far right corner of the Cafeteria, with my laptop and various AP assignments. Well, the alone bit didn't last that long. Later that month my best friend at the time, Elliot Winchester started going to school and sitting with me at lunch. For now, all you need to know about him is that he had been my best friend since I was three, and we were basically inseparable.

One day during lunch, Elliot and I were sitting at our table talking about memes and music when suddenly he said:

"Uh oh... Alex?"

"What?" I asked.

"Populars, 6 o'clock." He answered.

"Ugh, why can't they just let us eat in peace?" I said in an annoyed tone.

I turned around and came face-to-face with three of the most popular people in the school. Lexi Ross, Regina Jackson, and... Samantha frickin' Gastineau.

"Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically while glaring at them over the top of my glasses.

"Is my paper finished yet, nerd?" Sam asked impatiently.

"For the billionth time, if you want it done well, learn some patience." I retorted.

"It's due tomorrow and if I fail I'll be grounded for a month. Finish it or I'll make your life miserable!" Sam almost screamed.

"For that to happen, I'd have to care what you think, which I don't. Now if you'll excuse me I'm busy." I said, rolling my eyes in disgust. I turned back around and sighed in frustration as the three girls walked away.

"Why don't you stand up for yourself, Alex?" Elliot asked.

"I don't need to, my vengeance comes when they fail all their classes," I answered flatly.

"That's not enough, you're working yourself to death," Elliot said with concern in his voice. He wasn't wrong. I hadn't slept in days and was fighting to stay awake at that very moment. I opened my mouth to give an overly sarcastic response, but the bell rang before anything came out.

"Go home and get some rest, you're worrying me," Elliot said as we got up to leave.

"But-" I stammered.

"No buts, I'll get you notes. And don't worry about Sam and her cronies, I'll take care of it." Elliot said.

"Thanks, Elli, you're a good friend," I said and went home.

Elliot told me what happened later that day. Evidently, Sam had decided that harassing me about her paper during lunch wasn't enough and had sought to continue doing so after school. But when she couldn't find me she harassed Elliot about it instead.

"She's not here, Sam." He said.

"Where'd she go?!" Sam shrieked with panic.

"She went home to get some rest," Elliot answered.

"What?! Why?!" Sam screamed.

"she hasn't slept in four days! Why do you think?!" Elliot said in a frustrated voice.

"She better have that paper finished by tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll make both of your lives miserable." Sam threatened.

"How selfish." Elliot retorted and walked away.

The next day, I was sitting at lunch with Elliot when Sam came over to our table to collect her paper.

"Where is it?!" She almost shrieked.

"Are you familiar with the phrase 'all good things to those who wait'?" I said in a frustrated voice. The frequency of times she had asked me about the six-page monstrosity was getting truly annoying.

"If you don't have it done your life is about to get very difficult." Sam threatened.

"My life is already difficult, and your paper that I wrote is sitting on the printer in the library. I'd go get it before someone else does." I responded curtly and with that, she stormed off in a huff.


QOTD: What's your favorite band?

AOTD: Twenty One Pilots will always be my favorite.

Y'all are AWESOME! Until next time lovelies...


The World's Okayest Super Villain StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang