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"Come on Eva, hurry up!" My dear roommate Julie impatiently yelled from the living room.

"Hush, I'm almost done!" I yelled back as I added the finishing touches to my makeup.

She appeared around the corner to the bathroom and leaned nonchalantly against the door frame, crossing one leg over the other in the process. I combed my fingers through my shoulder length dark brown hair, and locked eyes with her through the mirror. The corner of her mouth turned up, and her icy blue eyes began twinkling with mischief.

"I know that face," I smirked back at her, "what are you up to?"

"Let's get liquored up before we go." She winked at me as she held up and shook a half-empty bottle of the cheapest tequila in her hand.

I picked up the glass of white wine I had been nursing by the sink and held it toward her, "No thanks, I've got my wine."

"Yea, yea, yea, wine-swine." She waved her hand like she cared fuck-all, "Take a shot with me."

I gave her a reluctant glare.

"It's just one shot for the road," she innocently said, while batting her long eyelashes at me.

"Famous last words."

"Just one, I promise."

"You do know that 'just one shot' is first ingredient in a disastrous recipe called 'a night where Eva is gonna do something really stupid, and have no recollection of said stupid thing'."

"But you get so fun though." She had to bite her lip to keep her snickering sealed.

"Do you remember last time you said 'just one'?" She looked up in thought, but I didn't let her finish it. "Yea neither do I. You told me that I almost went streaking and jumped into the lake... in the middle of winter, just because someone dared me," I hesitantly replied with a wince, "I'm actually kind of happy I don't remember that."

She snorted at the memory, "Oh yea that's right I remember that night! It's funny though, you didn't even seem that wasted... honestly, sometimes I can't even tell how plastered you are before it's too late." Suddenly her head lolled back, and her light laughter filled the bathroom. "Oh my God, wasn't that the night where you ding-dong-ditched nearly everyone in the apartment building when we got home?"

"Yep," I groaned. "I ding-donged but, apparently, the ditching didn't work out so well. And that old lady, Mrs. Hansen and her angry little minion poodle still give me the stink-eye when I pass them in the hallway."

She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye with care as to not smudge her skillfully applied makeup. "That was priceless, and fuck Mrs. Hansen she should be happy that someone finally rang her doorbell."

"Julie!" I playfully swatted her arm.

"What?" She snickered, "she's always so grumpy."

I shrugged, "Good thing that my black-outs seem to be somewhat selective at times."

"Too bad, it was a fucking awesome night!"

"True. The parts I remember, which is close to nothing, were actually pretty funny, I'll give you that." I smiled, but with a semi-serious expression. "But seriously, I think I'm just going to hold off with the hard liquor. At least until we get there."

She shook her head, making her spiraled curly strawberry blond strands bounce. "Eva listen, this is the last weekend of summer before classes start! Let's get hammered, blow off some steam, and then on Monday we can go back to being boring sensible ladies." She whined, with an exaggerated pout and puppy-dog eyes. "Please! Just one?" a sardonic smile spread across her face and she did a little shimmy, "it's tequila."

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