Chapter 1

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Angel's POV

"ANGEL! GET DOWN HERE" my dad yelled. I groggily got out of bed. And walked downstairs. (What she wore to bed (Pj's) blue night shirt with cartoon characters all over them and for bottoms she wore a plain pair of blue night shorts. I walked downstairs. "What?" said and rubbed my eyes. "Happy early birthday baby girl" he (my dad) said. While handing me a box. I opened the box and before my eyes were vidcon tickets. "Lift up the tickets" my mom said. And I did so. OMG THEIR ARE BACKSTAGE PASSES TOO. "AHHHH" I screamed while tightly hug my parents. "Your welcome Ang" they said in unison. "Now go pack your stuff! Your plane leaves tomorrow at 8am" my mom said. "K" I said. I ran upstairs and packed all my stuff. 'I can't belive im going to California (A/N idk where vidcon is actually held. But for the story it's in Cali)

Skylar's POV (Angels BFF)

'We gon' party buckwild. Look at shorty buckwild. Take a shot, pour it up, yeah yeah we buckwild. We be turnt like all of the time. Buckwild every night. Gettin' all these chicks callin' my line. Buckwild every night.' My phone rang. I picked it up "hel-" is all I got out before Angel

started screaming "OMFG MY PARENTS GOT ME TICKETS TO VIDCON AND BACKSTAGE PASSES AND I GET TO BRING ONE FRIEND. GUESS WHO I'M BRINGING?!?! GUESS! OK NEVERMIND ITS YOU!!" " HOLY SHIT. R u serious??!!!" I said "YES" She said. "Pack ur shit, were leaving tomorrow at 8 in the morning" she said "k" I said and hung up.

I quickly got on twitter and tweeted:


A bunch of people said random stuff like:


@VidconTour Congratulations. I can't wait for u to meet everyone :)

(A/N Idk if these r real usernames is they r sorry I didnt know)

Then my notifications went off saying that someone followed me. What I saw was something




CLIFFHANGER. Ok so idk what really happens at vidcon. But idk if Magcon goes to vidcon but lets just pretend u can. And idk if u can get backstage passes but their r in this story. K? And I did some research. And this year (2014) their was u took a selfie and if they pick u some ppl from o2l kiss u. Yea were gonna do that. But they also follow u on insta. And I know Nash, Cam, Carter, and Hayes aren't in Magxon anymore but lets pretend they are. And I know Connor isn't in O2L anymore but lets pretend he is. Ok?

I love you all

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