Chapter One - New Beginnings

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Beginning of Part One
I heard the front door slam and Mom walking to the couch.
"Come here! I have to tell you something!"
I paused my BloxKing game and walked into the living room.
"What is it?"
"Kate, I'm going to have to go to Druman to investigate the Ruins. Will you be fine here alone? I have to stay in the city for three nights."
"Mom, I'm fifteen! If anything happens, I'll call the Knights! When do you leave?"
"Noon tomorrow. Go to bed. It's late."

"Mom? You okay?"
She looked up from her paper.
"Yes, Katherine. I'm fine. I just need some space."
"You were crying a moment ago. Hard day at work?"
"I...I'm fine, Katherine. I'll be fine. It's just...when we watched Vincent run into the woods. I should have done something. I could have chased him."
"That would have been suicide! That last soldier would have killed you!"
"Well, maybe I could have bought time for the Knights! Have you ever thought about that, Katherine?!"
"He would have gotten away anyway!"
"What if he hadn't, though?! I had that pistol your father gave me, I could have shot Vincent!"
I picked up a bottle of vodka and smashed it on the ground.
"That would have been YOU!"
I ran back to my room and slammed the door.

"Blix, you said the girl would be alone!"
"I thought she would, sir, but she invited all of her friends over for a party."
"I can vaporize you! Do you want to be taken over by another Blix, even colder than the last, as you have to watch as they dismember everyone in sight?"
"Sir, I-...AUGHHHHH!" Blix fell to the floor and started twitching as blood leaked from his eyes.
The last words he heard in his life:
"This one shall linger...forever."
He rose from the ground, his face covered in blood and his eyes a bloody red.
"What...just happened? Where am I?"
But the demon just smiled at the 'new' Blix.
"You will kill Katherine Umbrik. You will kill her mother and anyone that stands in your way. You will prove that the deed is done when their heads are dropped on my throne room floor, and you have sacrificed someone from your old life. You'll remember everything once you kill the girl."
"I understand. I will track down Katherine Umbrik's location in Dinvea, and eliminate her. I will then trace her mother and terminate her. I will then return to my old reality."
"You are incorrect."
Blix falls again, starts bleeding...again, and doesn't get up. Instead, a different Blix wearing his doctor's uniform is lowered, a noose tightened around his neck. He starts to shudder violently as the Blix on the floor stands.
"Welcome back, Vincent. Do you remember your mission?"

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