Chapter Two - The Crawl Space

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The hanging Blix lifts his head and removes the noose from his neck.
"I do. I just hope you honor our deal this time."
The spirit laughs.
"I can destroy you."
Blix shudders and walks toward the door. It starts to shimmer as it transforms into a gaping vortex. He taps the icon on the computer reading I-170, and jumps in.
"I will not fail you."

I woke up with Isaac State next to me in my small bed.
"Isaac?!" I yelled. He turned over and opened his eyes.
"Kate? What...happened?"
"Well, you still have you clothes. That's good. Now get the hell out of my bed, pervert!"
He sprung up and ran out the door.
I slowly got up. Isaac was standing at the stove, cooking bacon.
"Try not to burn down my house, Iditua."
He laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."
I couldn't help myself any more.
"Isaac, what happened last night?"
"You don't remember? The four of us had A LOT OF CHIPS. And a lot of Banshee. Lenny's around here somewhere, his bike's still here."
I laughed. Isaac sat down next to me and smiled.
"You said your dad traveled the Multiverse. Did he ever tell you anything about it?"
I smacked him. "We don't talk about that, remember?"
I got up. "I'm gonna go find Lenny."

One hour passes, with breakfast in-between, where neither Kate nor Isaac find Lenny.

"He could've crashed in the crawlspace you guys have. He always liked it down there."
I snapped my fingers. "Let's go check."
I threw open the door to the crawl space...
There was a scorched mattress there. Isaac drew a sharp intake of breath before gasping.
"Someone's at the window!"
There was a man looking through the window, wearing a charred suit. It might have been white originally, but I couldn't tell. His face was so scarred I could barely recognize it, but I knew who it was.
Vincent Blix, my father's killer. I had to watch him die when I was seven.
He left the window, and I quickly heard someone bashing their entire weight against the door.
I grabbed Isaac and jumped into the crawl space, bolting it shut. I then took my KC from my pocket and clicked it.
"Bastet, do you hear me?! Bastet?! Code B, Code B!"
Isaac then joined in with his own words.
"We're in some deep sh-" I smacked him again and he stopped talking. We waited in the crawl space for a few minutes...
And the cover started rattling. Someone was pulling it.

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