Chap 1: Are You Alone?

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Matt hurried with his backpack strapped on his back. His hair gelled back slightly, although his hair was very complicated when it came to gelling it back. His heart sped up. Matt hoped that he wasn't going to be late for his first day of freshman year. He didn't know how hard it was going to be, he just tried to believe in himself. Strains of hair kept falling from the gelled parts of his hair. Soon enough Matt just gave up and left his hair as it was. Matt rushed to the bathroom to give a quick look at himself and brush his teeth. His brown, semi-curly hair was a mess. His mom would laugh and just say his hair looked like a pile of horse hay. Matt didn't really care about how he looked. He just cared about getting to school on time. Matt sighed, giving himself a glance in the mirror. He hated what he saw. Oh yeah, he was going to get bullied for sure. Matt was a tall, Jewish male. His height was actually average. But he for sure wasn't short. His bright blue eyes is what always caught other's attention. He would always be called mop head because of his hair. He wore somewhat sophisticated clothing. His shoes were always untied, he had the hugest smile that was very infectious. Freckles only on his nose and some on his cheeks. Faint ones. He took the toothpaste and slathered a good amount on his toothbrush. Brushing vigorously at his teeth.

Matt rushed out of the bathroom, kissing his mom on the cheek. He zoomed out of the house. His feet picking up speed. Bumping into many different people. "Sorry!" Matt yelled back to them. Matt's long legs carried him all the way to school. Because there was no way he was going to miss his first day of school. Matt was very gripping about that. His shoelaces were getting tangled everytime he ran or even just walked. He tripped a few times, trying to get the knot out. Finally he made it to the school. Matt was out of breath. Huffing and puffing. He looked around. Teenagers everywhere. Matt has never been surrounded by so many people around his age before. Before he had a private school. Not many kids were there. And Matt didn't make any friends there. Matt wasn't social at all. They say that kids are brutal here. Matt gulped. The anticipation was killing him. The school was huge. Matt had a small private school. The building barley had enough kids to make an actual school. It was more of a ghetto private school. Matt didn't like it. So he got home schooled for two years. And now finally, he is here.

But this school was nothing he has ever seen before. To others it probably seemed like a breeze, but to him it was probably the most terrifying thing yet. Matt looked around. He saw a large crowd surrounding something. "What the.." Matt was going to ask someone what was going on but he was too afraid to even speak. The crowd seemed like it was surrounding some other group. It was a group of four older guys. They looked like sophomores. They kept flaunting around like they owned the entire school. Yup, definitely sophomores. One sophomore had long, brown dreadlocks. He was tall, big, and tan. Matt felt intimidated just by looking at him. The second sophomore was an average height. All the girls seemed to love him. He had nice, silky, dirty blonde hair. He was very clean cut. His teeth glistened in the sun. The third sophomore was also of average height, probably the same height as Matt. He was a redhead. Freckles covered his face ear to ear. His hair was also curly. And the fourth sophomore was the shortest. Not insanely short, he was about 5'2". He was pale, his hair was light blonde. And he was really skinny. He seemed to be really popular though. Matt was confused as to what was happening. But he didn't question it. Matt made his way to a nearby bench and sat down. Ignoring all the loud screams of girls and the shouting of guys chanting the name "Alexander" followed by other names. Matt had guessed that's what their names were. "Are you alone?" An odd question. Was that pointed at Matt? Who was trying to talk to him? Stay calm, stay calm. Matt thought to himself. He was panicking. "Y-yes? I guess, I don't know," Matt turned around slowly to see the face that was in front of him. A girl. With soft, sweet, green eyes. She seemed harmless. "Oh, can I sit with you?" An accent deeply sewed into her forming sentence. Irish? What was that. "Sure," Matt smiled warmly. "I know this is weird, but I really like your accent, what is that?" "Ah thank you its.. it's Yorkshire.. lots of people poke fun of it though," her laugh was soft but she was being sincere. "I think it's beautiful," Matt rushed his words making it sound like he prepared his sentence before she even said anything. "Are you new here? I'm just wondering, because I've never really been to a 'real' school," Matt confessed. "Aye, ah'm new here as well.." She nodded slowly. "Well, I'm glad to make a friend.. uh, will you be my friend? Just so it isn't so awkward," Matt beamed. "Well ah'm chuffed to meet ya, me names Abigail bláth, yours?" Matt looked around for a moment. "Matthew eldur, please call me Matt," he put out his hand for her to take it. She smiled and shook his hand.

Abigail was interesting, everything she said sounded a little funny to Matt because he's never heard an accent like that before. And he has definitely never heard anyone speak like that. To him it wasn't very proper, but to her it was how she spoke. Matt tried to understand her but he just couldn't figure out all the phrases she kept saying. He didn't know what any of them meant. Abigail seemed like a sweet girl. She also looked the same age as Matt. Hopefully they would be in the same class. "Do you live around here?" Matt asked out from the blue. "Aye, I walk 'ere everyday," she answered. Matt could still understand her. "How's your English? I know it's a weird question, but you seem to not know a lot of English slang and phrases," Matt scratched his head. "I'm champion at my English, some English I don't understand. My family teach me English so I can have a good school, with good learning. They were chuffed to find out that I was learning so fast- oh, I'm chelpin' too much. Ah'm gonna be late fur class, you too. Let's 'ead to class," They scrambled off the bench and bolted to class. Both of them giggling. Matt was out of breath, Abigail was still running. They both made it to class only a few minutes late. Hopefully no one noticed. On their schedules they had the same class. So they both sat down in the corner of the room. Staying quiet, waiting until the bell rang for them to go out for recess and PE.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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