Starcrossed lovers

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(Andy's POV)

I was looking out of the window in the cruiser; Sam was teasing me about something, but his monotonous tone wasn't registering with me.

"You do know Sarah's coming round for tea tonight?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah of course how could I for..." I was cut off gun shots being fired; I felt a glass shard cut into my cheek, I shot my head to the left and there was Sam was leant over the steering wheel, with blood all over him. I pulled over and steered the car to the side of the road, missing a lampost and a couple of pedestrians by seconds. I grabbed the radio and shouted "shots fired, south of Queens Way, Officer down, I repeat Officer down", by now I was crying taking off a few items of clothing so I could cover Sam's wound.

I was so focused on Sam that I didn't even hear Oliver and Dov come, they were saying that a ambulance had come, I couldn't move, let alone let go of Sam, all that was going through my brain was that I was going to lose my husband.

"I think you should let them check you Andy, the cut on your cheek looks pretty nasty, it could get infected" Dov said to me once Sam had been loaded into a ambulance.

As we rode to the hospital Sam was losing conciseness and a lot of blood. When we got to St. Mary Hospital, Sam was rushed into surgery and I was told to wait in the waiting room, soon after everyone started to come in and tried getting any information they could on how Sam was, Dov, Chris, Gail and Traci were telling my that Sam was okay, but I didn't think the same thing.

Doctors were coming in and out of the emergency room but not one of them had news on Sam, I was getting nervous too say the least, I felt like I was gonna be sick. Finally a doctor came out to update us on Sam's condition. "OK, I need the following; Andy Swarek, Sarah Swarek, Oliver Shaw". Me and Oliver went up to the doctor to listen to what he had to say.

"Mr. Swarek has lost a lot of blood even in surgery, he is now in a coma to let his body heal and he might never wake up, do you understand what I've just said?"

Sam might never wake up.

And the next few days were the same really, I'd stay with Sam all night and at dinner Oliver would bring me food and I'd go home and take a nap and a shower.

Weeks had past and Sam hadn't changed, I'd gone back to work; I need something to take my mind off Sam being stuck in there all day. I'm partnered with Oliver, he doesn't ask questions about Sam so it makes it a lot easier.

Sarah had come the morning after Sam was put into his coma. She had been a really great help, she'd ask me to do favours for her to take my mind off things and help with the kids, teach them how to play basketball that kind of thing.

The next day, I was riding solo. It had been 4 weeks since Sam had been put in the coma, that's a persistent coma. I went round to the hospital, it was a fairly quiet day. When I got to his room there he was still in his sedative state.

I sat down on the chair next to the bed and stared at him for a while thinking how we never got to have kids, how we never got a dog and named it 'Boo Radley'.

I got up onto the bed with Sam. The room is silent apart from the beeping and the odd siren and car horn. If Sam wasn't going to wake up and give himself to death then maybe I could too.

I pulled the gun out of my holster, made sure it was loaded or it would be a complete was of time. It was a good thing Sam had private room, perks of being a police officer. I put the gun to my head and a thought came to my head 'what about dad and Sarah?' surely dad would understand that I need to be with Sam but I'm not too sure how Sarah would feel about losing her brother and sister in law. I pulled the trigger; Sam would do the same for me.

(Sam's POV)

I heard a gunshot, what kind of dream was I having?

I opened my eyes and felt a body on me, it must be Andy. I looked down and there Andy was but she had a pool of blood by her head and she wasn't breathing, I shot up and realized she had shot herself in the head; why would she do that?

I saw her gun beside her, I couldn't live without Andy and I wouldn't live without Andy. I leaned over her and grabbed the gun; I'm sure Sarah wouldn't mind, she knows I love Andy. I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, my last thoughts were 'I'm coming Andy'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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