Chapter 3: Stupid Jake!

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Suuupppp readaaazzz!!! UGH!!! Forget that! I'm not cool enough to talk like that! XD I'm practically a...oh...what's the word for it? PENELOPE! yay! You've met the twins and Tamaki...and Haruhi...blah blah blah! ! *facepalms* You know what? I talk to'ma shut up and let your read...hope you like it!


        I wake up in the morning, face smashed against the floor. So, I get up and rub my eyes. I see my 11 year old cousin, Jake sleeping in my bed. I hate him! Such a brat! "____'s being so mean to me! *fake cry*" then he turns around and..."____ I'll make sure that your miserable as long as I'm here!"    Ever since he came over from Idaho, I had to share my room with him. I'm so happy he's leaving next week! Look at him sleeping can people think he's cute! He's a little devil trapped in an innocent child's body! I punched his arm hard. So obviously, he woke up. "Ow! I was dreaming about girls in bikinis dancing in my room and that you were in prison and you rudely interrupted it!" he yelled. He's the most perverted 11 year old I've ever met in my life!

"Get up's already 6:30!"

"It's only 6:30!"

"Whatever just get up! Mom's making me make breakfast for you and I have to leave early. So, what do you want Jake?"

"Waffles? I guess..."

"We don't have any right now."


"What cereal?"

"Lucky charms!"

"Okay get up."

         I walk out of my room and down the massive stairs. I remember a long time ago when Jake and I were really close. Well, that is, before he turned into this devil child. We used to run downstairs, I was pretending to be the princess...he was the dragon. He was chasing me down the stairs till mom or dad tell us to stop and play outside. I miss those days but now that he's turned into that...I will never...EVER hang around him again! We walked into the dining room and Jake took a seat as a passed him and entered the kitchen. I poured in some of that Lucky Charms cereal and milk in a bowl then looked over at the door. He wasn't anywhere near it and it doesn't seem like he's going to come near it or open it either. So, I spit in the cereal, took a spoon, and mixed it in with the cereal. I walked out of the kitchen and gave the cereal to Jake. He started to eat it and watching him eat the spit cereal I made for him made me gag. "Hey...don't you have people to make food for you?" he asked.

"You mean our private chef?"




"No let me finish! Chef Ted's on break for a week."

"Chef Ted? Well...that's not lame at all."

"Stop insulting him and just eat!"

        I looked at my watch and noticed what time it was. I have 20 more minutes left or I'm late to school! I grabbed a granola bar and ate it as fast as I can. Then, I ran to the bathroom to take a bath. Then, changed, etc...


        I woke up my butler and told him to get my limo. Then, I hopped in and looked at my watch. 5 minutes left...and Ouran is really far from here...I'm sure to get late.


        Great I'm already 10 mintues late and I'm not even close to Ouran yet! *facepalms*


        I know she's late...probably really late and I hope her teacher kills her today.



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