Tyrone Johnson|| Cheater (Part 2)

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Ty ran out the building to find you.

He had to find you.

He loved you, no, he was in love with you. He couldn't lose. He thought about where you could be when he remembered your favorite spot. There you were, sitting on top of the building. Your eyes were closed but you could feel him behind him. Tears streamed down your eyes.

"What do you want?", you sniffed.

"Baby you gotta believe me", Ty pleads,"I would never hurt you".

"Why'd you kiss Evita then?", you ask.

He sits down next to you.

"She drugged me", he said and you looked at him wide-eyed.

"Really?", you ask.

"Yea", he replies,"I don't even remember anything except walking down the sidewalk and then realizing I was kissing her".

"That crazy hoe", you laugh.

He laughs with you and you both watch the sun rise.

"I love you", he replies,"you know that right?".

"I love you too". He leans in and kisses you softly causing butterflies to erupt in your chest.

"Alright now let's go back to Tandy", you laugh,"she was pretty heated".

"Trust me I know", he replies nervously,"I thought she was going to stab me with her dagger".

You both laugh as you head back to Tandy, happy to know that Evita had failed because you and Tyrone were meant to be.

Aubrey Joseph/Tyrone Johnson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now