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Constance knows she's screwed the moment she gets played out by a mark who turns the tables on three-card monte back on her. Which shouldn't even be possible, but apparently Hot Blonde Lady is something else. She sits back on her haunches in front of Constance in the middle of the dingy alley, smirking and not breaking eye contact, like she can't tell Constance is frozen to the spot and wondering what the hell is going on.
"Well, guess the cards like you," she says, forcing a smile as she slowly hands the mark her money back. "How much did we bet? Double?" Shit, she put down fifty and Constance was sure it was a sucker and she was going to walk away with a cool hundred. And now -
"You can keep the money," the mark says smoothly. "But I'd like a favour in return."
"A favour," Constance repeats slowly, because she's pretty sure she's going to get shanked or something. The mark nods, extending a hand. "I'm Lou. I think I could interest you in a job." She pauses, regarding Constance's expression. "And please don't steal my watch. It's got sentimental value."
Constance palms it back sheepishly. "So, this job..."
It is, of course, a con. Lou gives her all the details and promises a really good cut. Constance does what she's best at and pulls it off perfectly, and Lou is as good as her word. She ends up over a thousand bucks richer in one week, and boy, it is a rush.
"Would you be interested in working future cons?" Lou asks, and is that even a question? The next time Lou turns up in front of her, Constance is packed and ready to follow before Lou even explains the job. They're usually fast, in and out, she gets her money and Lou slinks off wherever she goes again. She goes back to the routine, always waiting for Lou to call on her again.
It becomes something she looks forward to, for more reasons than one - because Lou is hot, okay? And definitely gay. Not that she's ever outright come out (ha ha) and said it, but Constance will eat her deck of cards if Lou turns out to be straight. Constance is interested - nothing serious, but she thinks Lou might be into that kind of thing too.
She shoots her shot after another job, two years after they meet. They're sorting out the loot in a park pavilion at 1AM, and Constance inches closer, telegraphs her intentions, leans in -
Lou stops her, with one hand on her jaw. "I'm not - I can't," she says, sounding genuinely regretful and apologetic. Constance draws back immediately, unfazed, but Lou sighs. "You're gorgeous, Constance, and you're definitely my type, and if things were different..."
"Hey, it's cool. You don't need to explain yourself to me, Lou." Constance holds up her hands. Lou smiles, but it's a little watery. "There's someone," she says quietly, looking down at the table. "Someone I - care about. Someone I'm waiting for."
Constance tilts her head sympathetically, watching her. "She coming back?"
And Lou sets her jaw, eyes hard and firm. "Yes," she replies. "She's coming back."
(Another two years later she looks up from stealing another mark's watch and twenty bucks to see Lou with a beautiful brunette standing beside her, both of them smiling down at her, and they're not touching or holding hands or anything but there's that look in Lou's eyes and oh, she thinks, first thing. She came back. )

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