The first fight.

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We had returned to beacon thinking everything was fine...Then IT started.

Scarlett:I'm just saying Poet if you hadn't chased off those white fang members we could've interrogated them.

Poet:It's not that big of a deal will Find them one way or another.

Jason:That's not the point.

Nactor:They'll be ready for us next time...

At The moment all The blame was put on me and I didn't like it one bit...So I left to blow off some steam.

Poet:I can't believe them...


Poet:What do you want?

Nactor:Have you seen a black cat around here?

Nactor being the goofball that he is didn't even realize the cat was caressing his leg as he spoke.

Poet:You mean that cat?

Nactor:O sorry Guess I was a little careless to not have even looked down...


Nactor:So...How are you doing? 

I didn't answer...All I did was give him an I'm ok look. On the inside I was balling my eyes out but I couldn't say that...

Poet:I'll catch up with you later I...just have to clear my mind.


I never saw Nactor later...I went hunting for thugs When I found someone who had the same idea.

Night Watcher:Do you really Think Runnings gonna help you?

Poet:It certainly isn't going to help you.

Night Watcher:Aw Shit.

I couldn't put my finger on it but his voice did sound familiar.

Nightwatcher:Look kid shouldn't you be in school?

Poet:Shouldn't you be at home.

Nightwatcher:You know I'm two steps away from kicking you ass.

Poet:You can try.

As much as he could talk he wasn't that good of a fighter...All though his fighting techniques were familiar...


Jason:P-Poet wait...

Poet:That voice...Don't tell me.

My Guess was right...Underneath That mask was none other than My Teammate Jason.

Poet:Jason?! What the Hell!

Jason:Damn it.

He passed out and I took him back to our dorm. When he woke up I was going to kick his ass again.

Jason:I'm too tired to wake up.

Poet:Are you too tired or are you afraid of what's going to happen to you next?


His answer Made me wanna kick him out of the bed...So I did.

Jason:Alright Alright! I guess you deserve some answers...

Poet:You have a minute before I put you in the arm lock of a lifetime.

One Long Minute later I understood everything.

Jason:So Thats why I became the Nightwatcher.

Poet:W-What would Scar Think if she found out about this?!

Jason:She'll find out eventually.

Poet:Why are you hiding it from her and the rest of us?

Jason:We all have our secrets Poet. Your just gonna have to learn to keep them.

My eyes suddenly got weary...The last thing I saw was Jason leaving the room...But he wasn't alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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