(OLD) .:Chapter 3:.

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Breathe in...

Breathe out...

Breathe in...

Breathe out...

You continuously repeat the lines in your head, breathing in and out as you told yourself. You stare up at the same building you explored the other day, remembering everything that happened. You sigh to yourself and finally push open the glass doors and enter Fazbears Fright.

As you walk in you notice how much dust has built up since everyone had left. Isn't that a health code violation..?

You cough a bit at how much dust is flying around. It doesn't even seem like the same place anymore. "Does anyone even clean this place..??" You whispered to yourself


You jump at the sudden voice, and slowly turn to the owner of it. He wore a security outfit and had..grey skin..and also seemed to have no hair. His name tag read 'Mike'.

"Heh, it makes this place seem even more creepy," He explained with his hands shoved in his pockets, "oh, sorry, I'm Mike, I worked the nightshift until you applied."

"Oh, did you not want the job anymore?"

"Sure as hell I didn't! This job is horrible, I honestly wish you would've picked another." he exclaimed.

"Wait what..? What's so bad about this job..??" You started to get worried that there's something you don't know.

"You'll probably die, from him.." He said, his voice lowering, "once he sees you, he won't stop until he gets what he wants...trust me, I've been through five nights of this shit."

You had no words. Just questions.

Am I gonna die??

Should I leave?

Who's 'him'? Springtrap?

Is there something I don't know?

Did I just sign up for my death?

All these questions and more circled through your brain, causing you to go silent, scared for your life. You liked horror movies, but it's not as scary when you know no one's actually getting hurt.

Mike seemed to notice your expression, now realizing that you were unware of this.

"Hey, I uh, didn't mean to scare you, um..." He quickly glanced at your name tag, just now realizing that your name was there the entire time, "...y/n."

You looked up at him, not wanting him to think you're some scared kid. You breathed in and out once again, and you finally felt a little more courage inside of you.

"Oh, I'm not that scared, just a little shocked." You told him, only half lying.

"Well, good luck on your first night." He said, and added a 'goodnight' on his way towards the door.

You nodded in response. But then, realizing that you're still here and have to do your job, got you thinking about Mike saying something about you dying.

"Hey wai-" Too late. He was already gone. Now you were here all alone.

Except for him..


Word count: 468

Well this chap was a lot less cringey than the last o-o

Also sorry i haven't really been updating this story 🤧

And i swear there will be longer chapters

edit 4/15/2020 :
i actually totally forgot this chapter was done and i guess ive just been saving it..i really dont know honestly
i wrote this somewhere in 2018 maybe? im not sure if i should continue this book or not, or if i should just rewrite it, becauSE ITS AWFUL.
im honestly surprised people are still reading this hehe..but let me know what you think!! im probably going to give it a new cover so look out for that! ✨


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