Chapter 5

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“You have got to be joking me.” Harry moaned. “Amazon has absolutely nothing.”

Niall sat up. “Seriously? Nothing? No iPods?”

“Nothing brand new, and nothing from around here. Just nothing. They’re all used or refurbished, or they’re from Alaska, Tenessee, or Louisiana. There’s one or two in like new condition, but I don’t trust that.” He replied.

“Try eBay. They’ve probably got collector’s editions.”

“True. Give me a moment.”

After a minute and a half of silence, minus Liam’s page flipping on the book ‘Breaking and Entering For Dummies,’ Harry’s twenty words per minute on the iPad keyboard (very easy to only manage that much- It was an iPad, and without the attachable keyboard since Laura hadn’t warned them about the stupidity of the touchscreen keyboard), and Louis’ snoring. Somehow he’d fallen asleep while an Epic night was planned. All five were sure that the two girls they’d managed to upset that day would either write hate mail or poems for their stupidity/bravery/determination. Niall figured that the friend would do the hate mail, and the other would do the stupidity.

“Alright, there’s two that we’d like. One’s a collector pack, but it’s in Green, and the other’s in Orange, the one we want. It’s ending in the next hour.”

“So that gives us an hour to get the goods, copy the info, put them back, and hopefully before the girls get back.”

“Yeah, that’s about it. Louis!” He shouted, waking the sleeper.


“Are you positive that you wired their GPS to land them in San Diego?”

“Positive.” He yawned. “I felt pretty bad doing it. Those two are going to hate us if we screw this up any worse than we did at the pool.”

“Oh, and Niall, since you’re the ‘hair’ of this operation,” He joked, pointing at his still goth styled hair, “Do we buy both iPods?”

“Why would we do that?”

“So we can give Vani a copy of hers, and one from us.”

“There’s an idea. Why not? It’s not like we’re busy picking up pennies here.”

“So we’re buying both, which is good, because I just made a high bid on the Green one.”

“How much?”

“Two hundred ought to keep them from this one.”


“S**t.” Vanessa said, checking the iPhone.

“What?” Joyce asked, alarmed. “Are we that far from Stratford Style?” Joy was busy driving, and kept her eyes on the road. It’d been two hours since they’d started, and there was no sign of the supposed half-hour away restaurant.

“Two things- some idiot really wants that green iPod. They bid two hundred dollars for it, and yeah, we’re about an hour and a half from Stratford Style.”

“How?” Joyce screeched, doing an ungraceful U-turn on the road. “It must be the GPS.”

Vanessa agreed. “Your phone has better directions than that piece of junk.” And she promptly disabled the GPS.


Liam quickly unlocked the door to the girl’s room. Hotel locks were exceedingly easy to open, in his opinion. In Zain, Harry, Niall, or even Louis’ mind, it may as well have been opening a bank safe. He tapped the wall four times to say that the room was clear, and the other four entered the room with him. Louis stepped over to the still-running laptop, and slipped on the 64 GB memory stick.

The Wet iPod- A Controversial One Direction Non-Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now