Death by: Orcs

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Last chance to sign up for death by: fangirls :3 make sure you're here

So far we have:

Me // Teagan

Bubble // Sarah

feathertailsilver // Elli

 The_Peasent_Queen // Abigail

thepartyelk // Sophie

Middle_Earth_ // Jade

CatCorner // Aria

ilovefrodoandkili // Bella

Tauriel_Kili // Peyton

AlatarielofMirkwood // Synra

Daughter_of_Durin // Gya

Mousekav // Needs Name & Personality

Tauriel sat in her room, awaiting Legolas. She twiddled her thumbs she was never good at waiting, just as she was getting up to go look for him, Legolas burst through the door.

"Is it clear?" She asks, Legolas' smile speaks the answer, but he also chooses to use words.

"Yes, everyone is asleep, and I got the guards away from the exit" He says, grinning from ear to ear, Tauriel returns a mischievous smile. Legolas grabs her wrist and they start running through the halls, giggling like children. Since they are wood elves they love to be outside in nature, but due to the recent.......pest problem the only time they could go out was to kill them. Tauriel had told Legolas of her plan to leave for the night and at first he was reluctant to disobey his fathers orders, but after much cleavage, whispers and persuading Tauriel used her evil powers to win him over. They finally made it to the door that leads outside.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this" Legolas turns to Tauriel, eyes full of worry.

"C'mon Legolas, it'll be fun" She pouts and crosses her arms.

"It is against my father's wishes" Legolas tries to convince Tauriel that this is not a good idea, but Tauriel isn't taking it. She leans foreword placing her hands on his chest.

"Your father is an asshole" Tauriel says, which earns her a glare from Legolas. "Don't forget that it'll just be us out there" She stands on her toes so that she is whispering in his ear. Being a guy Legolas quickly agrees to go, he opens the door and they burst out running. The night air fills them with happiness, this is the first time in a while that they have been alone together.

They find a large tree, perfect for climbing.

"C'mon" she says as she grabs the vines that cling to the trunk. Legolas sheepishly follows, he'll do almost anything for her. They climb to a fairly high branch, Tauriel sits with her legs dangling on either side, Legolas does the same facing her.

"You know, I think we have some catching up to do" Tauriel says just above a whisper, she begins scooting over closer and closer to Legolas. Legolas feels his cheeks heat up, even though he cannot see it he knows he is blushing, she places her hands on Legolas' thighs. Legolas leans closer and just as their lips brush a noise echoes through the forest, they both turn their heads to listen. The sound of orcish gives away the creatures.

"Orcs" Legolas spits.

"We can take them" Tauriel says and before Legolas can respond she jumps from the branch and lands lightly on the ground. Feeling he has no other choice he jumps getting his foot caught on a vine, he lands in every way, but graceful. When he lands the sound echoes every which way, the orcish stops signalling that the orcs heard them. Tauriel looks to where Legolas landed seeing that he is unconscious she pulls out her sword and cautiously proceeds to the orc camp. As good as her hearing is she is completely unaware of the orc sneaking up behind her.

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