02 - "date night."

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The moment the school bell rung, signalling that it was the end of the day, Taehyung and Jungkook went to retrieve Namjoon, to bum off of him so they could purchase the needed supplies on the literal list they found online during PE.

"Hey, Namjoon, buddy." Jungkook dragged on the names as his hand massaged his friends shoulder. The voice he used when he wanted something from somebody; in this case money.

"What?" The older asked skeptically as he turned around, Jungkook's hand falling from its place.

"We need money for the stuff." Jungkook slapped Tae's arm immediately after the blank boy said that without sugarcoating it at all.

Namjoon did something that surprised both of the two boys, watching as he reached for his wallet without comment, a twenty and a fifteen wavering in his outreached hand.

Both of the boys lunged for the money, only to have Namjoon pull it away. "You both owe me, Okay?"

"Of course."


Namjoon lowered his hand and Taehyung was the first to react, grabbing the money before running off; shouting a thank you.

✧ ✦ ✧

The two young boys had found themselves in the store Jungkook worked in, him being familiar with the place seemed that it would be easier to find things; so Taehyung read off the first needed thing from his phone.

"A candle- in this case we need seven candles..."

Jungkook nodded, leading the way to the place he remembered stocking candles and other scented stuff. Finding the aisle quickly before grabbing seven, non-scented candles, placing them into the cart as Taehyung looked at the next item.

"A piece of paper. Show me the paper." He gestured his hands as he swiped nonexistent cash, following the boy who seemed to ignore Tae's comments; immune to them by now.

He picked up a stack of blank printer paper, about to put it into the basket before he was stopped.

"It says piece, of paper. Not- three hundred." He stated matter-of-factly holding his phone up to prove it.

"I know."

"Then why are you getting that many?"

"Because Taehyung, you can't just buy seven pieces of individual paper."

"Why not?"

"Because that just isn't how it works?" The fact coming out more of a question as he continued on. "Next thing."

"A writing implement?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes before walking down more aisles, and grabbed the first thing he saw which was pencils, no further comment from Tae thankfully as he read off the next thing.

The last two items on the list were 'matches or a lighter' and 'salt.' Jungkook grabbing seven lighters and then grabbing seven salt shakers, three extra as Taehyung read what the salt was for.

"...If you are not successful in relighting your candle, you must then immediately surround yourself with a circle of salt. And if you are unsuccessful in both of your actions, the Midnight Man will create a hallucination of your greatest fear, and rip out your organs one by one. You will feel it, but you will be unable to react as you hallucinate..."

Taehyung's voice trailed off as he read the last line approaching the till. Jungkook looking at Taehyung with a look of confusion and undeniable fear, Tae looking back at him. They were interrupted when the girl behind the counter cleared her throat.

"What're you guys doing with this specific stuff?"

They were silent as they realized they weren't the only ones who knew about the game, somebody being suspicious having not cross their minds. Jungkook was the first to react and he said "be right back, forgot something."

Taehyung watching as his friend bolted off into most likely a random aisle, and exited it holding multiple things.

'There goes our change...' Taehyung thought to himself as Jungkook places the items on the counter.

"We're making pasta... for uh... date night." Taehyung would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised, shooting Jungkook a look as the boy looked back at him, who was shrugging.

What Jungkook didn't know, was that the apparent 'pasta maker'... wasn't, a pasta maker. But a full on deep fryer...

Taehyung wanted to face palm so bad...

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