Entrance Exam!

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After the slime incident Bakugou and I slowly became friends and he was being easier with Izuku

We were in class until the teacher stopped and stared at Izuku because he was muttering again

📱: "Izuku?"


📱: "Izuku."


📱: "Izuku!"

Still nothing

📱: "Um, sir can I use my quirk to give him a small zap?"

📖: "Sure..."

I sent a small little zap his way

👊🏻: *Yelp* OW!


After class I went home and started to train in the backyard

I kept practicing my kicks and punches and my quirk so my limit can increase but suddenly when I touched the floor everything looked digital

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I kept practicing my kicks and punches and my quirk so my limit can increase but suddenly when I touched the floor everything looked digital

I kept practicing my kicks and punches and my quirk so my limit can increase but suddenly when I touched the floor everything looked digital

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(This is what it looks like basically)

📱: Woah, this is awesome! Now all I need to do is find out how this works.


After ten months of training, it's finally time for the UA entrance exam

👊🏻: Asuka!

📱: Huh? Oh, hey Izuku.

👊🏻: Are you excited?!

📱: Definitely.

💣: Move out of the way Deku!

👊🏻: H-Hey K-k-kacchan.

📱: Hey Katsuki.

💣: Hey Sparky, wanna walk together?

When he said that he turned his head and I swore I saw a blush

📱: Sure! See ya Izuku.

👊🏻: Uh, bye?

When I left I turned my head to see Izuku floating beside a girl so I just assumed that he was about to fall and I turned my attention back to Katsuki


~After the presentation~

Alright I'm in training grounds A I can do this

Present Mic made the start noise when he did I instantly ran in while everyone is just standing there

🎙️(Present Mic): What are ya waiting for? There's no count down in a real fight!

While far away enough I sent out an electrical signal so the robots would come my way, when there were enough I absorbed all of their electricity and sent it back with a shockwave destroying all of them

Suddenly the zero pointer was revealed and it was absolutely huge

📱: Fuck!

I was about to run until I saw a girl with earphone jacks attached to her ears under some rubble without a second thought I rushed to help her, I hacked the robot to make it stop moving and blasted it with electricity, and got the rubble off of her

📱: Are you alright...?

🔊: Jiro, Jiro Kyoka, and I'm fine thank you.

📱: It's not a problem, what kind of hero in training would I be if I just left you here to die?

After that recovery girl came to help and the exams ended


*Knock* *knock*

"Excuse me are you Mizushima Asuka?"

📱: yes, why?

"You got a letter from UA"

📱: Thank you!

"Not a problem."

I waved the mailman goodbye and opened the letter

I opened it and a small disk came out

💥: Hello, young Mizushima!

📱: All Might?

💥: Yes! It is I! All Might! I am here to inform you about your score in the exams. You see with villain points you got 112 points, but there is more what kind of hero school would we be if we didn't give out rescue points? Because you saved young Jirou you got 38 rescue points, so with a total of 150 points you got first place in the exam and made into UA so, young Mizushima, welcome, to YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!

After that I felt a vibration on my phone and checked it, I got a text from Katsuki

Bob Omb


You know it! I got in! :📱


Wanna come to my place to celebrate? :📱


After that we celebrated by playing video games and watching movies!

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