Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter Fourteen

Calm Before the Storm


Reegan was still no better. It had been six days and she was still weak and the infection that she had, had gotten worse. She had been given a ton of antibiotics but it wasn't working. Nothing was working and she was going to die. Everyone knew it but no one said it. The infection has spread up her arm to her shoulder and it was starting to go to her neck. She knew she was going to die too. She talked to Merle about it.

"Merle, it's not your fault what happened to me. Do you understand that? I just didn't look behind me like I should have. I got too comfortable, something we should never do out here." Reegan didn't want him or anybody else feeling guilty. Shit happens. She also thought that if her kids were gone and her parents weren't able to save them, she would see them soon. She knew she didn't have too much longer.

Daryl and Chloe walked in, holding up a bag. "We found some more. It's going to happen this time." Daryl looked proud, as he brought out the vials of antibiotics. Chloe was smiling, trying to keep up a good appearance for Reegan's sake.

"No Daryl." Reegan said simply.

"No what?" Daryl looked confused.

"No more. No more meds. I'm dying and no amount of antibiotics is going to help. You need to save it for someone who is going to need it. And someone is going to need it." Of that she was sure.

Daryl turned around without saying anything else and went to find Hershel.

Merle sat on Reegan's bed in the mini hospital and just looked at her. "You know sweetheart, I had plans for us."

"You did?" That made Reegan smile even if it took some effort.

"Oh yeah, big plans. Old Merle here was going to become a nice old gentleman and take you out on a date." Merle felt like shit and knew now why he didn't let himself care about people.

"What do you mean was, you still can become that gentleman Merle. You can be the man I know you really are. You just like making people think you're mean. But I know the truth about you. I could see it the day I met you." Reegan laughed weakly.

"I'm no gentleman Reegan, you just happen to get me." Merle picked up her one and only hand and held it. 

"I'm sorry Merle." She said softly. 

"Sorry for what?" He asked her.

"Sorry that I never told you that I cared for you. I do. I don't know if it's love but there is something definitely there. You make me laugh with some of the shit you say. You're not fake." Reegan closed her eyes for a moment.

Chloe, who was still standing there, felt awkward and she felt like she was eaves dropping on their conversation. She slowly slipped out the door and went back to camp.

Merle cupped her face with his hand. He wasn't use to feeling this way. Having feelings for him was new. "Sweetheart, Merle could have loved you so good. I wish you wouldn't give up. This next batch might help."

"No Merle, it won't. I know it. You know it. Just let me pass peacefully, let me go be with my children. They need their mama." Reegan cupped Merle's hand with her own. "Go on. You don't need to be here to see this." She could feel herself slipping away.

"I am not going anywhere. I'm staying right here." Merle wasn't leaving no matter how much she wanted him to.

He stayed by her side for the rest of the night. They didn't do a lot of talking. He just sat there and held her hand. It was three forty two in the morning when Reegan slipped away. There was no pain, no big hurrah. She died with a smile on her face. One single tear fell from Merle's eye and he quickly wiped it away. "Goodbye sweetheart. Your kids are waiting for you." He leaned over and kissed both eyes, one at a time. 

A Brother's Influence Part Two (A Daryl Dixon Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora