2: New Transfer

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You and Jimin watched as Hoseok was laughing and having fun with the others with confused expressions.

"Shit! Why the hell is he here?!" You quickly hid yourself with the book opened and held up to your face.

Jimin slowly shook his head in shock. "D-Didn't he moved?! Ah, I thought he was gone for good..." he pouted his lips as he stuffed the sand which in his mouth.

"Dammit I thought so too!" You couldn't stop the blush that was already spreading through your cheeks to your ears.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak but his voice was immediately blocked out by you when you took a peek at Hoseok.

You analyzed his strong features as he spoke to his friends. The corner of his eyes crinkled, as the corner of his mouth slid upwards exposing his straight perfect teeth while his eyes sparkled. It was the same smile that somehow made butterflies appear in your stomach that never stopped fluttering. The smile that took your breath away as your heart throbbed. He looked too good.

You knew you've been staring for a while when one of his friends tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to you.

You froze as your stomach dropped to the floor and saw Hoseok giving you a warm smile.

Shaking your head, you grabbed Jimin's arm and jolted up from the table hoping not to die of embarrassment. "Jimin, we have to go. Now."

"Uhm, excuse me? I have to finish my food—"

"Out! Now!" Your breathing became uneasy as you scurried out the cafeteria with Jimin being dragged behind.

"Dammit (Y/N), what's the matter with you?" Jimin spoke while holding his half eaten sand which in the other hand.

"Ugh, d-did you not see Hoseok in our lunch room just now?!" You made your way to your lockers down the hall.

"Yeah I did...your point exactly?" Jimin yanked his arm away from you trying to ease the pain.

Trying not to whack his head for being so dense, you took in a deep breath.

"4th grade. School dance. Met Hoseok. He moved. Had a crush on him ever since. Remember?" You spat out knowing that it wasn't the best explanation but you waited for him to catch on.

He stared then began laughing at you. "You still like him ever since that whack school dance we had in elementary?" He teased. "Trust me, I don't think there's any point in liking him now." With that being said, he finished his last bit of sand which.

"Jimin this isn't funny! I....we....." You stammered as you tried to calm your heart rate.


You jumped as you turned around and saw Hoseok walking to you and Jimin.

"Glad I caught up to you guys." He smiled and looked down at you head to toe. "Wow, you grew.....a lot." He gave you a sly smirk.

You gulped. "Uhm...yeah right back at you.." looking away nervously you tried to maintain your balance since you knees became so weak.

Jimin rolled his eyes and glared at him. "So...why are you here? I thought you moved to a private school four years ago." He grunted.

Clenching your teeth, you tried to speak. "Jimin....you..."

You were interrupted by Hoseok's loud laugh. "No it's fine. I decided to transfer back to a public school since I thought a private one wasn't for me." He commented with a soft smile.

Jimin sneered. "That was an unreasonable excuse....anyways, (Y/N) let's go. We'll be late to class." He took your hand and began walking away.

"Ah, hold on!" Hoseok called out.

"Y-Yeah!" You stopped in your tracks which made Jimin stumble forward and growl under his breath.

"I wanted to invite you guys to a party I'm having this Saturday. You down?" He asked with a grin.

Jimin shook his head. "Absolutely n—"

"Of course we'll go! Count us in!" You exclaimed excitedly.

Hoseok chuckled. "Alright then awesome. Hope to see you and your friend there cutie." He winked and left you and Jimin alone.

"Oh my god....w-what just happened..." you breathed out and looked at him. "We got invited to Hoseok's party!" You shouted and jumped up and down.

Jimin exhaled deeply and shook his head. "You're unbelievable.." he slipped his hands in his pockets and began casually strolling away.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?! We're going to that party do you hear me?!" You ran up to his side and began heading to class with him.

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